Aha, to na šta misliš se zove izvorni kod.
Nego, nećeš ni da pogledaš teme koje sam ti linkovao? Tamo piše i o tome što pitaš:
Citat:Compilation is a lossy process, so it is not, in general, possible to decompile an executable (or other compiled program module, such as a .so or .dll) and recover source code in the original language or even unambiguously determine what the original language was. It is not even necessarily the case that there is only one original source-code language, since it is possible that, before linking, different modules were written in different languages. Ordinarily, you can, disassemble a binary and recover assembly language, although that may be of very limited value.Dakle, ukoliko program nije otvorenog koda, opet u opštem slučaju nije moguće doći do izvornog koda na osnovu izvršne datoteke.