- Srki94

- Mod u pemziji
- Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
- Poruke: 12405
Sigurno ste nekad naleteli na neki deo koda koji je univerzalan i koristan ili možda neku skripticu za nešto.
Evo teme gde takve kodove možete podeliti.
Sledeća autohotkey skripta piše naziv pesme koja se reprodukuje u txt fajl.
Pre kompajliranja je potrebno podesiti parametre, ovi ispod su podešeni za Youtube i Google Chrome.
- ; Stream-Friendly Music Ticker v1
- ;
- ; Description:
- ; This script is intended to make it possible to share the currently playing song from your media
- ; player through a streaming program. It works by scraping the title of your media player's window,
- ; outputting the part you want to a file, and reading the file through a streaming program.
- ; Supported Media Players?
- ; Winamp, foobar2000, Spotify, YouTube (via web browser), MusicBee, MediaMonkey, VLC, WMP, iTunes,
- ; and any other media player that can display the currently playing song in the title of its window.
- ; Supported Streaming Programs?
- ; OBS, XSplit, FFsplit, and any other streaming program that can read text from a file.
- ; Pros and Cons?
- ; + No dependency on any specific media player
- ; + Supports Unicode characters
- ; + Easy to trim junk off the beginning and end of a window title
- ; + Fix for padding out scrolling text in OBS
- ; + Multi-platform (untested, but use IronAHK instead of AutoHotkey_L)
- ; + Open-source, well-documented, and easy-to-edit
- ; - No GUI for configuration (yet)
- ; Instructions:
- ; 1. Download and install AutoHotkey_L from (should be the default one).
- ; 2. Save/Extract the SFMT.ahk file to your computer (ZIP button in the top left of GitHub).
- ; 3. Run this file by double-clicking on it to generate the output file, which is where your now
- ; playing song will be later. By default, it's "nowplaying.txt" and refreshes every 3 seconds.
- ; 4. Open your media player of choice and begin playing music.
- ; 5. Using your streaming program, add a text source for the output file.
- ; 6. Right-click the .ahk file, click Edit Script, and edit the CONFIGURE ME section below for your
- ; media player/streaming program (see example below for help).
- ; 7. While configuring the file, you should perform the following workflow: edit the file,
- ; save the file, right-click the H icon in the system tray, click Reload This Script,
- ; and finally open the output file/preview the stream to see if it looks the way you want.
- ; Example Configuration:
- ; First get the title of your media player's window. You can do this by hovering over the program
- ; in the taskbar or system tray and waiting a bit for text to appear. If you're having trouble with
- ; this or you can't find it, you can still figure it out by looking at the contents of the output
- ; file after you do this next step. This is an example title I see when playing a song in Winamp:
- ; "16. Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe - Winamp".
- ;
- ; Now you need to pick a part of the window title that will always be there while playing songs,
- ; which can usually be the program's name itself. In this example, "Winamp" will always be in the
- ; window's title so I can use that. Note that any other window with "Winamp" in it could interfere
- ; and be grabbed instead. Finally, place this value by the spot marked PART 1 in the CONFIGURE ME
- ; section. You can now perform Step 7 above to test if this part works for you.
- ;
- ; Now you need to trim off the parts that you don't want to share on the stream, like the playlist
- ; number on the left and the media player's name on the right in this example. To trim the left side,
- ; identify the block of text closest to the left side of the untrimmed text that does not change from
- ; song to song. In this example, you could use " " (a space), or ". " (a period then space). Now,
- ; working from left-to-right, check if this block of text won't occur before you want; otherwise, it
- ; will trim from there instead. For example, if the title began with "Curiosity - 16. " and I was
- ; using " ", then it would trim off "Curiosity " when I wanted to trim off all of it. Using ". "
- ; instead would fix this problem. Many media players give you near full control over the look and
- ; ordering of the title elements so keep this in mind if you can't get what you want. To trim the
- ; right side, repeat this procedure working from right-to-left instead. In this example, I want to
- ; trim " - Winamp" so I can't use " ", but I can use " -" or even " - Winamp". Finally, place these
- ; values by the two spots marked PART 2 in the CONFIGURE ME section.
- ;
- ; If you're using OBS to stream and scrolling the text, then you may want to edit PART 3 to make it
- ; look nicer. Other than that, you should be good to go and comfortable editing other things in the
- ; CONFIGURE ME section at the very least.
- ; Getting the media player's window title, assumes no other window titles have this text
- windowTitle := "Google Chrome" ; PART 1: The media player's window title needs to always have this text
- SetTitleMatchMode 2 ; Look everywhere in window titles for a match, not just the beginning
- DetectHiddenWindows, on ; Also check window titles minimized to the system tray
- ; Parsing the media player's window title, use "" to not trim one or both of the sides
- firstAfter := "" ; PART 2: Everything left of the first instance of this and itself is trimmed
- lastBefore := "- Youtube" ; PART 2: Same idea above except this trims right and reads right-to-left
- ; Set the output file
- outputFile := "C:\Users\srki9\Desktop\d\SFMT-master\SFMT-master\nowplaying.txt"
- ; Refresh rate in milliseconds for repeating this script
- refreshRate = 3000
- ; For scrolling text that wraps continuously without spacing (OBS), use "" to not use this
- scrollSeparator := "Song : " ; PART 3: Separate the first character from the last character
- AutoTrim, off ; Leading/trailing space is ignored by AHK by default
- ; All 3 streaming programs can use UTF-8 to display Unicode characters
- FileEncoding, UTF-8
- ; Part of the AHK template
- #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
- ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
- SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
- SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
- ; Keep the script running forever
- #Persistent
- ; Main logic of the script
- Gosub, Update ; Update immediately on script start
- SetTimer, Update, %refreshRate% ; Update forever on a periodic interval
- return
- Update:
- ; Get the unparsed title of the media player's window
- WinGetTitle, title, %windowTitle%
- ; Remove junk at the beginning and end of the title
- TrimText(title, firstAfter, lastBefore)
- ; Separate the first and last character with a separator for better continuous text scrolling
- title = %scrollSeparator%%title%
- ; Check if the file needs to be updated with a new title (avoids unneeded disk writing)
- if !FileEqualsText(outputFile, title)
- {
- ; Replace the file for a new title
- OverwriteFile(outputFile, title)
- }
- return
- ; Removes all text before and including the first instance of a substring,
- ; as well as all text after and including the last instance of another substring
- TrimText(ByRef text, firstAfter, lastBefore)
- {
- StringGetPos, leftIndex, text, %firstAfter%
- if leftIndex != -1
- {
- ; text found, trim the left
- start := leftIndex + 1 + StrLen(firstAfter)
- }
- else
- {
- ; text not found, don't trim the left
- start := 1
- }
- StringGetPos, rightIndex, text, %lastBefore%, R
- if (rightIndex != -1 && rightIndex != 0) ; 0 = empty string even though it's right-to-left
- {
- ; text found, trim the right
- length := rightIndex + 1 - start
- }
- else
- {
- ; text not found, don't trim the right
- length := StrLen(text) + 1 - start
- }
- text := SubStr(text, start, length)
- }
- ; See if a file's text equals another text
- FileEqualsText(ByRef file, ByRef text)
- {
- FileRead, fileText, %file%
- if fileText = %text%
- {
- return true
- }
- else
- {
- return false
- }
- }
- ; Overwrites a file's text with new text
- OverwriteFile(ByRef outputFile, ByRef outputText)
- {
- FileDelete, %outputFile%
- FileAppend, %outputText%, %outputFile%
- }