Arthur Rimbaud

Arthur Rimbaud

  • Pridružio: 17 Jul 2005
  • Poruke: 3097
  • Gde živiš: "Daleko od Negdje"



On the calm black water where the stars are sleeping
White Ophelia floats like a great lily;
Floats very slowly, lying in her long veils...
- In the far-off woods you can hear them sound the mort.

For more than a thousand years sad Ophelia
Has passed, a white phantom, down the long black river.
For more than a thousand years her sweet madness
Has murmured its ballad to the evening breeze.

The wind kisses her breasts and unfolds in a wreath
Her great veils rising and falling with the waters;
The shivering willows weep on her shoulder,
The rushes lean over her wide, dreaming brow.

The ruffled water-lilies are sighing around her;
At times she rouses, in a slumbering alder,
Some nest from which escapes a small rustle of wings;
- A mysterious anthem falls from the golden stars.


O pale Ophelia! beautiful as snow!
Yes child, you died, carried off by a river!
- It was the winds descending from the great mountains of Norway
That spoke to you in low voices of better freedom.

It was a breath of wind, that, twisting your great hair,
Brought strange rumors to your dreaming mind;
It was your heart listening to the song of Nature
In the groans of the tree and the sighs of the nights;

It was the voice of mad seas, the great roar,
That shattered your child's heart, too human and too soft;
It was a handsome pale knight, a poor madman
Who one April morning sate mute at your knees!

Heaven! Love! Freedom! What a dream, oh poor crazed Girl!
You melted to him as snow does to a fire;
Your great visions strangled your words
- And fearful Infinity terrified your blue eye!


- And the poet says that by starlight
You come seeking, in the night, the flowers that you picked
And that he has seen on the water, lying in her long veils
White Ophelia floating, like a great lily.

~ ~ ~


Na mirnom crnom valu gde zvezde sanjaju
Bela Ofelija poput velikog krina
Leluja velovima koji uranjaju...
Odjek hajke stiže iz šuma, iz daljina.

Već vekovima Tužna Ofelija tako
Plovi, sablast bela, rekom što crna teče.
Već vekovima krotka ludost njena lako
Romori svoju romansu u lahor, u veče.

Vetar velove vije, grudi joj celiva,
voda ljuljuška velove, spletene, bele;
Na ramenu joj drhte, plaču rese iva,
Nad čelom koje sanja trske se nadnele.

Uzdišu oko nje lokvanji koji venu;
Katkada u jovi zaspaloj budi gnezda
Iz kojih mali drhtaj prhne u trenu:
- Tajanstvena pesma sa zlatnih pada zvezda.


Bleda Ofelijo! Lepa poput snegova!
Da, Ti umre, dete, odnele su te vode.
- Vetrovi što se ruše s norveških bregova
šaptali su ti reči opore slobode;

To dah jedan što ti guste svijao kose
Čudne nosaše zvuke tvom dahu što sanja;
Slušao ti je srce pev prirode, što se
Javi uzdahom noći i tužaljkom granja.

To ti glas lugih mora, grcaj nedogledan
Slomi detinju grud, a preblaga je bila;
To u aprilsko jutro lep bledi vitez jedan,
Jadni ludak, nemo sede do tvog krila.

Raj! Ljubav! Sloboda! Ludo, kakva snivanja!
Na toj si vatri bila ko sneg što se topi;
Reč ti vizija stesni u svoja zbivanja
- Sa stravom se beskraj u plavom oku stopi.


A pesnik kaže da preko zvezdane pruge
Dolaziš noću, tražiš cveće što si brala,
I da vide na vodi velove tvoje duge;
Ofelija plovi, veliki krin vrh vala.

Artur Rembo

[edit by Black Orchid - dodat naziv autora na srpskom radi lakshe pretrage]

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