Pomoc Hitno Prepricavanje

Pomoc Hitno Prepricavanje

  • Pridružio: 11 Apr 2016
  • Poruke: 1

Pozdrav,imam poteskoce oko prepricavanja teksta na engleskom jeziku..Pokusavao sam vise puta i gledao kako se to radi ali mi jednostavno ne ide..Molio bih vas kada biste mogli da mi prepricate ovaj tekst koji cu navesti dole i jako mi je hitnoo..Unapred Zahvalan

National Tastes in Food
"Men must eat to live, but not live
to eat." Nevertheless we do not eat only
for nourishment, but because we enjoy
the social aspects of eating and enjoy
the taste of our food. N,Vhy do national
tastes vary? It is obviously important
which plants and animals are typical of
the country — Eskimos are unlikely to be
familiar with bananas — and there may be
other reasons.
The Chinese do not eat milk or milk
products. Their favourite meats are pork,
chicken, and duck. They also like freshwater
fish and lobsters and prawns. All these may
be served with a sweet and sour sauce of
sugar, vinegar, and mixed fruits. China's
main foods are rice and soya beans.
In Russia soups are a traditional part
of the menu. They make them from meat
stock and a variety of vegetables, among
which chopped cabbage, beetroot and
mushrooms are common. Chopped cabbage and mushrooms appear again as a filling
for pancakes and bread rolls. The Russians also share with other nations a liking for cold
Germany is noted for many kinds of sausages, "sauerkraut" (fermented cabbage),
wholemeal rye bread, and sauces. The Germans have a liking for pork chops ',vith plums,
pickled port with sauerkraut, and roast goose with apples, chestnuts and raisins. They like
strong cheeses and light beers.
In the UK traditional cooking is simpler and dishes are regional in Character: Lancashire
hot-pot, roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, Melton Mowbray pork pies, Irish stew and Scottish
haggis. Potato cakes, apple pies and steamed puddings (including Christmas pudding) have
a British character.
The USA represents a fusion of all the European traditions in food production and
preparation, on which has been superimposed an American inventiveness that has produced
such things as corned beef, hot dogs, hamburgers, breakfast cereals and artificial meat.
Taken from Science in Society — Food

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