Da li neko moze da vidi da li sam dobro napisala
Instead of writing this composition, I was able to sit in front of the machine that has become the most valuable invention of computer-and-find appropriate text on the Internet.
has it become one of the most important in our life, it is impossible to imagine how we functioned buzz him. We could be about important things: time, event, we lost contact with other people ...
Sometimes it is necessary to go to the library if you would like to find information about anything, and now it's enough to push a couple of buttons. But lurking on the internet many dangers, theft of information, the total destruction of a computer system.
Though the Internet is the greatest advantage of the modern age, it can cause him great harm in many ways, and in it one can find the content of what he is interested but can also be completely off from the world and lose all forms of communication other than through computers.