developer developer

  • Pridružio: 15 Okt 2015
  • Poruke: 2

We are a fast growing ebusiness company with customers in 35 countries worldwide. For our further growth we need you.
You can work with us, if you are able to:
– Able to write Web Applications and Web Services using C# as ASP.NET WebForms and MVC.
– Create SQL Server Databases including Stored Procedures and optimize them for performance
– Write code documentation in english
– Deliver rock-solid results in a short time-frame
– Knowledge with Telerik Webcontrols is a plus
– Be able to work in an agile (SCRUM) style is a plus
You get:
– competitive Salary
– Bonus payments for retention, product success and manager feedback
– development related literature, courses and study material

Please apply at: code.hammer at

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