Internet TV - Veoh

Internet TV - Veoh

  • Pridružio: 26 Jul 2004
  • Poruke: 1472
  • Gde živiš: Vojvodina,Zrenjanin

Citat:Veoh is a Web site that’s headed for your TV. It’s also the name for a suite of applications for collecting, publishing, and watching a vast selection of HD-quality video programming. Veoh is a diverse, virtual community of indie publishers coming together with their new audiences. And it’s also a few offices in Southern California full of entertainment industry insiders, outsiders, and technologists.

Let's set them free again. Bring them back together and give them what they’ve wanted all along. Veoh gives viewers a limitless marketplace of compelling or informative television programming for wherever and whenever they choose to watch.

VeohTV and combine as a virtual television network that organizes, showcases, and delivers clear, full-screen video programming to anyone with a broadband connection. VeohTV turns online video into Internet television.

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