Napisano: 17 Avg 2015 23:46
Tek sad sam saznao za mogućnosti PhoneGap-a
- moguće je razvijati mobilne aplikacije koristeći HTML, CSS i JavaScript
- moguće je preko njihovih servera odraditi kompajliranje aplikacije (ima i besplatan plan)
- za iPhone 3GS i novije uređaje dostupno je korišćenje svih nativnih funkcija
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Uslovi i restrikcije:
- u besplatnom planu je dozvoljeno kompajliranje samo jedne aplikacije zatvorenog koda (kod spakovan u .zip i aploudovan kod njih), a javne (otvorenog koda) se mogu kompajlirati, ali se njihov kod mora nalaziti na GitHub repou
- dozvoljeno je kompajliranje aplikacije do 50MB
- nije moguće uključivati sopstvene priključke već samo Core i third-party
U svakom slučaju može da pomogne za početak, a ne traži OS X i Apple alatke kao Apache Cordova
Ipak, i sa ovim načinom je neophodno imati Apple Developer nalog da bi se aplikacije delila na App Store i iTunes.
Dopuna: 18 Avg 2015 13:14
iTCh - iOS Tool Chain
What is it?
Prebuild toolchain, to let you develop and run iOS applications on iOS devices using Windows
The toolchain includes:
Compiler and linker for Objective-C, C++, C
Signing tool and IPA generator
IPA installer
Complete detailed setup walkthrough
With this toolchain, we've managed to do 99% of our developments using only Windows.
That is what we're sharing here, our experience, current toolchain, setup documentations and plans.
What can you do with it?
You can do the same things, as with a Mac OS X and XCode, but using your good old tools on Windows, like Visual Studio or any other Developer IDE.
What it's not?
It's not a boxed application, that you can install, and have an app running in seconds, you're going to need some work to get everything right.
It's not an SDK, you have to write the same amount of code, as if you were using XCode.
What's here?
Compiler and Linker - It's a heavily patched version of Apple's opensourced compiler and linker, originally located at [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Windows host port, relocation fixes and Objective-C support fixes by Ray Donnelly, based on work by javacom, Open Darwin, saurik (Jay Freeman), iPhoneDev and Andrew Udvare.
Sign tool - The IPA is just a zip file with a binary and other contents in it. This tool signs the executable and generates the CodeResources signature file for the IPA
Installer - Apple ships it's communication functions with iTunes in iTunesMobileDevice.dll. This tool opens a connection to the device, uploads and installs the IPA
- novije verzije SDK-a od iOS SDK 5.0 ne mogu da se raspakuju na Windows-u (potreban je OS X)
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]