World of Warcraft - Wrath of the Lich King


World of Warcraft - Wrath of the Lich King

  • Pridružio: 25 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 117
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad

The Lich King Arthas has set in motion events that could lead to the extinction of all life on Azeroth. With the armies of the undead and the necromantic power of the plague threatening to sweep across the land, only the mightiest heroes can oppose the Lich King's will and end his reign of terror for all time.

Blizzard Entertainment's latest expansion to World of Warcraft – Wrath of the Lich King – adds a host of epic content to the existing game world. Players will achieve soaring levels of power, explore a vast new continent, and battle other high-level heroes to determine the fate of Azeroth. As you pit yourself against the dangers of the north, prepare to:

Master the necromantic powers of the Death Knight - World of Warcraft's first Hero class.
Quest to level 80, gaining potent new abilities and talents along the way.
Learn the craft of spell augmentation with the new Inscription profession.
Brave the harsh new continent of Northrend, the icy domain of the Lich King.
Engage in epic siege warfare, deploying mighty siege engines to lay waste to destructible buildings in your path.
Transform your hero's look with new character-customization options, including new hairstyles and dances.
Explore perilous new dungeons filled with some of the deadliest creatures -- and greatest treasures -- on Azeroth.
And much, much more...
Dugo ocekivani drugi nastavak jednog od naj popularnijih MMORPG igara ''World of Warcraft'' je konacno najavljen pod imenom ''Wrath Of The Lich King'' ....

Necu vishe verovati casopisima o kompijuterima i igarama Razz rekli su da ce se zvati The Diablo Dungeons i da ce biti 2 nover rase....pfff...a ono WOTLC sa novom klasom...pffff

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  • Pridružio: 19 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 2673
  • Gde živiš: u pokretu... - zvanicni link
nekako mi se ovo cini prerano....mada Blizzard odrzava obecanje da ce svakih godinu dana izdavati po jedan expansion pack

  • Pridružio: 25 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 117
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad

....I rekli su da nece ubacivati nove klase nego samo rase...a ovde novo klasa ''Death Knight'' ...kao da pocinju da ubacuju GW..mozda gresim.

  • Pridružio: 05 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 66

oni ovo jos nisu ni najavili... a kada je burning crusade najavljen kasnio je 6 meseci tako da ja mislim da ovo nece biti u skorije vreme

  • Pridružio: 25 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 117
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad

''Wrath of The Lich King'' - Announced

  • Pridružio: 19 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 2673
  • Gde živiš: u pokretu...

@Chirke - najavljeno je, zvanicno

jos detalja ovde - o novoj klasi, kontinentu itd
Burning Crusade jeste kasnio, ali mi se cini da ce ovo biti manji kontinent sa manje sadrzaja. mozda i gresim, ali sto se mene tice, radovalo bi me da kasne.

Dopuna: 05 Avg 2007 14:12

What are the features of the new expansion?
Wrath of the Lich King builds on the rich foundation established in World of Warcraft and The Burning Crusade, providing a wealth of new content for players to explore. The harsh, forbidding continent of Northrend, home of the Lich King and his undead minions, will be uncovered on the world map, and to contend with the new challenges found there, players will be able to advance to level 80, acquiring potent new abilities and talents along the way.

In addition, Wrath of the Lich King will introduce the death knight hero class to World of Warcraft. Once certain criteria are met, players will be able to create a new death knight character, which will start at a high level. Furthermore, player-vs.-player battles will reach a new level of intensity with the addition of siege weapons and destructible buildings, not to mention a new battleground. There will also be an abundance of new quests, dungeons, monsters, items, and recipes -- as well as a new profession, inscription -- for players to try out. The expansion will include some additional character-customization options for players as well. We'll be going into more detail on all of these features in the months ahead.

How will the death knight class fit into the game?
The death knight combines martial prowess with dark, necromantic energies. Players might be familiar with the death knight from previously released Warcraft games -- most recently, in the campaigns for Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and the Frozen Throne expansion, the former paladin Arthas became a death knight and wreaked havoc across Azeroth and Northrend before fusing with the spirit of Ner'zhul to become the Lich King. The death knight is the first hero class in World of Warcraft; once certain criteria are met, players will unlock the ability to create a new death knight character, which will begin play at a high experience level. We're currently exploring various options for how the death knight will play and the types of abilities at its disposal, and we'll be revealing more information about this new class as we get further along in development.

odgovor na dva pitanja sa linkovane strane
zanimljivo zvuci - krece se od high lvl sa novom klasom, prva heroj klasa u igri. kazu moze i da tankuje i baca spells...

  • Pridružio: 25 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 117
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad

Once certain criteria are met, players will be able to create a new death knight character, which will start at a high level.


moguce da krecesh sa lvlom svog maina ... ili 60 a ? haha

  • Pridružio: 19 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 2673
  • Gde živiš: u pokretu...

pa posto je heroj, najverovatnije od 60
ne znam samo sta ce biti ti potrebni kriterijumi, tj. preduslovi
znajuci blizz, opet ce da nam smeste neko farmovanje reputacije sa tamo nekim....

  • Pridružio: 05 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 66

farmovanje reputacije?!?! samo ne to.... x((

  • Pridružio: 25 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 117
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad

iako sam samo 41 lvl znam kako to smara ... farmovao sam za sugavi Booty Bay 2 dana da bih bio *samo* ''Friendly'' zbog nekih Q-ova...

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