Poslao: 30 Maj 2016 16:12
- Skywhaler
- Moderator foruma
- vampire and philosopher, po©smt, rhd©t
- Pridružio: 13 Dec 2013
- Poruke: 8775
- Gde živiš: Esgaroth
Да мало, захваљујући Салету, дамо вештачко дисање овој теми... Пред вама су две напуштене ауто-мото тркачке стазе. Помало парадоксално, обе се налазе у земљама са јаком тркачком традицијом:
Citat:... The photo above depicts the old line of the Monferrato circuit, located in the region of Piedmont, the Province of Alessandria in northern Italy. The track had 2.460m extension and an expansion project that would increase between 3,500m and 4.400m, never got off the ground because of the complaint of the neighborhood because of the noise. The track was inaugurated on March 19, 1973 when the track received evidence of the Italian F3... Thus the track was closed at the end of 1976 and had a brief chance to reopen in 1981, which was never realized...
Citat:... Finland had his great race track built between 1965/66, being inaugurated on June 12, 1966.
It was a fast circuit with several curves of long rays and gently sloping and had a perimeter of 3.3 km. Even at '66, the track received a proof F2 relying on big names in Formula 1 as Rindt, Brabham, Clark, Graham Hill and Hulme... The circuit received evidence until 1978 when it was closed for financial reasons. It was later reopened, the "hard way" for motorcyclists who illegally ran with sidecars. That was from 1980 to '88 when there was a serious accident that nearly killed a 17 year old. It was the last straw. The owners sent dig ditches by the design, leaving the track unusable. In 2003 some teenagers set fire to old tires that were in part of the old paddock that raged in the neighborhood and firefighters had a lot of work to put out the fire that lasted three days.
Today the track is under threat of being destroyed from time, as the government plans to extend the railway line that passes through the circuit and housing construction can also be made there.
Another circuit that can disappear forever...
Poslao: 08 Dec 2016 19:57
- Skywhaler
- Moderator foruma
- vampire and philosopher, po©smt, rhd©t
- Pridružio: 13 Dec 2013
- Poruke: 8775
- Gde živiš: Esgaroth
Стадион који то још увек јесте, али питање је докле и да ли ће једног дана, можда, поново добити сјај који је некада имао...
Citat:Cathkin Park was originally known as Hampden Park (the second of three grounds to bear this name) before the owners,Queen's Park FC, sold it to Third Lanark and moved to a new stadium of the same name. Cathkin Park is currently owned by Glasgow City Council, and extensive remains of the terracing can still be seen.фото: Gordon McCreath
... сам терен се одржава и, ако је судити по фотографијама, у солидном је стању, док трибине одавно гута околно растиње. Звучи невероватно, али на њему се и даље играју званични мечеви нижег ранга:Citat:... a reformed Third Lanark team, which plays in the Greater Glasgow Amateur League, currently plays in the park, as do Hampden AFC and boys team the Jimmy Johnstone Academy.Стадион је у својој историји видео и међународне мечеве, а један од њих је и сусрет Шкотска - Енглеска игран далеке 1884. године. Пре скоро седам година, ту чињеницу покушао је да искористи шкотски глумац Сајмон Вир чији предак је играо за Ланарк и повео акцију за уређење стадиона, уз жељу да снаге на њему поново одмере исти актери као пре 133 године, али до овог тренутка без конкретних резултата...
(фото: Ross McDairmant)
... на последњој фотографији је чланак из Дејли Мејла из 2010. године...
Poslao: 21 Jun 2020 15:35
- Skywhaler
- Moderator foruma
- vampire and philosopher, po©smt, rhd©t
- Pridružio: 13 Dec 2013
- Poruke: 8775
- Gde živiš: Esgaroth
Slovenija, stadion Pod Bežigradom u Ljubljani sve do 2008. bio je domaći teren NK Olimpija, a na njemu je ukupno 29 zvaničnih i prijateljskih utakmica odigrala i reprezentacija Slovenije... poslednji, interesantno, avgusta 2004. protiv reprezentacije SCG (1:1)...
Olimpija i slovenačka reprezentacija preselili su su na novi stadion Stožice, a stari stadion Pod Bežigradom danas izgleda ovako...