- Morskisrle

- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 14 Mar 2004
- Poruke: 1190
- Gde živiš: Ispod nivoa mora
Vest je stara 2, 3 dana al sta sad.
Suprnova - Closed - Forums Still up and IRC suppost to be also, but currentally has connection problems
Youceff Torrents - Raided - No Plans to Return
Phoenix Torrents - Bowed Out - IRC still running & Plans for a new Torrent Free forum
DVDRcore - Bowed Out - No Plans to Return
Torrentbits - Closed - No Plans to Return
Finreactor - Raided - No Known Plans
Crazy Mazey - Tracker Closed - Forums still running for current members only
ISOHunt - Still Running - Has recieved a Cease and Desist letter that may eventually lead to them following suit
************ - Currentally Down - Status Unknown
Ovo je iz novina....
Police in Finland have raided the operations of a popular BitTorrent file download site, seizing equipment and at the houses four people who ran the site. Police also raided the houses of 30 volunteers who helped moderate the site.
According to our early translation of a report of the raids, the 34 people had been arrested, but several readers from Finland have emailed us to say that this is incorrect.
Police say the site had 10,000 users, all Finnish, who downloaded illegally-copied content worth millions of euros. The site featured 6000 torrents, including film, videos, music and games.
If convicted, the site operators face jail of up to two years and are liable for claims for damages from content owners.
According to Finnish newspaper reports (English), the police liaised with Interpol and Elisa, a local ISP, in their investigations.
The Motion Picture Ass. of America (MPAA) today announced (PDF) that it is pursuing civil actions against hundreds of server operators of BitTorrent, eDonkey and DirectConnect P2P file-swapping networks, in its war on internet movie piracy.
In addition, the MPAA is co-operating in criminal investigations with police in Finland, the Netherlands and France, so it is reasonable to infer that reports of raids in more European countries are likely to surface shortly.
BitTorrent speeds file transfers by segmenting content and downloading parts from multiple users rather than a single server. As you receive a file, so other BitTorrent users are able to grab it from you in the same way. The idea is to ensure a more even sharing of bandwidth between participants. BitTorrent is not a classic P2P application as it's about improving download performance rather than sharing files per se. Files are found through links on websites, rather than the application itself. The MPAA and co. are gunning for operators of servers which carry these links. ®
Idemo dalje...
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ends, not with a bang but a whimper, the most popular BitTorrent file-sharing site, is to stop hosting torrent links.
In a message posted on its website, the site operators say it "is closing down for good in the way that we all know it. We do not know if SuprNova is going to return, but it is certainly not going to be hosting any more torrent links. We are very sorry for this, but there was no other way, we have tried everything."
SuprNova's IRC channel and forums will remain open.
SuprNova's demise as a BitTorrent clearing house coincides with increasing legal pressure in America and Europe against P2P-enabled piracy. In the last week the Movie Picture Ass. of America signalled its intention to pursue the P2P server operators in a new front in its war internet movie pirates. Also, a popular BitTorrent site in Finland was raided by police, and an eDonkey site in the Netherlands was raided and shut down.
According to a recent academic study, BitTorrent traffic accounted for 53 per cent of all P2P internet traffic in June.
BitTorrent speeds file transfers by segmenting content and downloading parts from multiple users rather than a single server. As you receive a file, so other BitTorrent users are able to grab it from you in the same way. The idea is to ensure a more even sharing of bandwidth between participants. BitTorrent is not a classic P2P application as it's about improving download performance rather than sharing files per se. Files are found through links on websites, rather than the application itself. The MPAA and co. are gunning for operators of servers which carry these links. ®
Dutch raid eDonkey sites, seize servers
Dutch anti-piracy organisation BREIN, along with FIOD-ECD (Economic Inspection Service of the Fiscal Intelligence and Investigation Service), has raided two popular sites in the Netherlands that offered links to allegedly copyright-infringing content. FIOD-ECD has arrested eight people and seized eleven servers.
The two sites, ShareConnector and Releases4u, offered thousands of movies, games and music files to 50,000 registered users. However, they only contained links to PCs hosted by users of the popular P2P service eDonkey and not any content themselves.
BREIN says it had talks with the people behind the sites for some time, but they refused to take them down. "We simply ran out of patience," Tim Kuik, director of BREIN, said. BREIN will not only press charges against the owners of the sites and also against Dutch hosting provider Mindlab, which according to Kuik didn't want to co-operate, either.
The Dutch raids coincide with actions of the Motion Picture Ass. of America (MPAA) against server operators of BitTorrent, eDonkey and DirectConnect sites in Finland and France. ®
i josss......
MPAA to serve lawsuits on BitTorrent servers
The Motion Picture Ass. of America (MPAA) will today launch a legal attack on BitTorrent users in a bid to prevent ripped DVDs being shared across the network.
The lawsuit will target BitTorrent server operators, Reuters reports rather than downloaders, indicating this is less an assault on the technology and more on the people misusing it.
BitTorrent, developed in 2001 by Bram Cohen, speeds file transfers by segmenting the content and downloading parts from multiple users according to who offers the fattest pipes to your machine. As you receive a file, so other BitTorrent users are able to grab it from you in the same way. The idea is to ensure a more even sharing of bandwidth between participants.
It's not a classic P2P application in the sense that it's about improving download performance rather than sharing files per se. Files are found not through the application itself but through links on websites. These trigger the code to download the content, grabbing files where possible from peers rather than the initial server.
It is this latter component that the MPAA is targeting. Websites encouraging BitTorrent dissemination of movie material for which they do not have distribution rights will be on the receiving end of lawsuits, the organisation is expected to say. Cohen himself is not believed to be in the MPAA's sights, sources told Reuters.
The move marks the latest step an escalation of action the MPAA is taking against illegal file sharers. Last month, it initiated legal proceedings against more than 200 named and unnamed individuals sharing movies on P2P networks.
Precedent leaves the MPAA with little choice but to attack movie-sharers rather than BitTorrent itself. But if next July's anticipated Supreme Court ruling in the MPAA/RIAA vs Grokster/Streamcast goes in favour of the movie and music industries, the heat is going to be on any technology, no matter how benign the intentions of its developer, that nevertheless makes piracy possible. ®