Tekst koji sam skinuo sa Dropeline foruma:
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And, according the latest information I got (from confidential sources), it seems that he's little chance of surviving since he isn't getting the antibiotics he needs:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 21:02:34 -0800 (PST)
From: Patrick J. Volkerding <volkerdi@slackware.com>
On Wed, 17 Nov 2004, Rich Shepard wrote:
> Did you get useful responses to your request for assistance in finding a
> source of high-dose, IV, antibiotic for your infection? A lot of us are
> concerned and are pulling for you.
Unfortunately, no. I chose to go to the Mayo Clinic having heard so many
good things, and they're becoming convinced I have Marfan's Syndrome,
which is a crock. I have good foot arches, perfect eyesight, no sign of
scoliosis, and never had any detectable heart problems until today's exam
which found a fairly serious murmur (probably in fact endocarditis), and
which none of the other docs including a very sharp internal medicine guy
could detect last week, but is now obvious to everyone. I'm quite afraid
I'm going to die here because they won't take a chance on the IV drip.
Wish I had a better report. They've done absolutely nothing to rule out
an anerobic infection, and the heart pains are getting more severe every
hour. With Marfan's, you are born with a defective heart. It's such a
red herring that I'm stunned.
Hope this isn't my last email.
Jako zalosno, nadam se da ce se ipak izvuci. Nikako mi se ne svidja kako se radnja odvija...