Paulo Koeljo nazvao Tonija Blera ratnim zločincem

Paulo Koeljo nazvao Tonija Blera ratnim zločincem

  • tuzor  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 03 Sep 2007
  • Poruke: 4115
  • Gde živiš: U Kraljevstvu duha

I naša i svetska štampa preplavljene su tekstovima, u kojima se navodi oštra reakcija svetski poznatog brazilskog pisca Paula Koelja na saznanje da je Toni Bler, bivši premijer Velike Britanije, angažovan kao savetnik za organizaciju Olimpijskih igara u Rio de Žaneiru 2016. godine.

Citat:Paulo Coelho has expressed outrage at proposals to hire Blair as an adviser for the games, sending Twitter messages that called the former British leader a 'war criminal' for his involvement in the Iraq war and saying Brazilians should be able to handle planning on their own.
Coelho was part of the Brazilian delegation that successfully lobbied for the 2016 games, beating bids from Chicago, Madrid and Tokyo in October.
Blair's spokesman, Matthew Doyle, said that the former British leader had met with Brazilian representatives, but that no deal had been sealed for Tony Blair Associates to act as an adviser to the 2016 games.

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Citat:Brazil’s best-selling author has attacked the country’s decision to appoint Tony Blair as a paid consultant to the 2016 Rio Olympics, branding the former British Prime Minister a “war criminal” with “blood-stained hands”.

Paulo Coelho, who was part of the official Rio delegation that attended the International Olympic Committee session in Copenhagen last October when it became the first South American city to be awarded the Games, says no company in its “right mind” would back the move after it emerged that private sponsors will pay Blair’s fee.

Coelho, whose book The Alchemist has sold 35 million copies in 67 languages, is critical of Blair’s role in the Iraq War, reports website Inside the Games.

He said: "We are going to pay Tony Blair as an adviser for Rio 2016? An irresponsible person who declared an illegal war? I was in Copenhagen for the athletes, not for murderers. Not in my name. Not in my country.

"Blair's appointment will lower Brazil's reputation in the eyes of the world. He has no standing in his own country, he failed as a negotiator in the Middle East, he lost his job because of the Iraq War and he has the blood of English soldiers on his hands.

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Citat:Koeljo je oštro kritikovao predloge da se Bler unajmi kao savetnik za olimpijske igre, i preko društvene internet mreže Twitter poslao je poruke u kojima je bivšeg britanskog premijera okarakterisao kao "ratnog zločinca" zbog njegovog učešća u iračkom ratu.

Istakao je da bi Brazilci trebalo sami da planiraju igre.

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Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 08 Jul 2007
  • Poruke: 2024

Citat:Not in my name. Not in my country.
Koeljo je, po meni, u pravu. Na stranu (neosporne) činjenice koje je naveo o 'uspjehu' Blera u političkim vodama i svemu što uz to ide, ali čime je upravo on zaslužio da bude savjetnik OI u Brazilu? (Nemam vremena da otvaram linkove, a možda u tamo postoji odgovor na moje pitanje).
I ja bih se bunila da sam Brazilac.

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