3w player?


3w player?

  • maha  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 06 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 1152

Dobio sam film ali kod puštanja traži 3wplayer - dobio sam i adresu go.play3w.com ali pri otvaranju svi traže registraciju (kod adrese je navedeno da je 100% free).Da li neko možda ima link za direktno skidanje bez registracije?

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 04 Sep 2003
  • Poruke: 24135
  • Gde živiš: Wien

Cek dva minuta, da proverim nesto.
Skinuo sam ga (nije trazio registraciju), ali sam vise nego uveren da je u pitanju trojanac a ne plejer.

Dopuna: 22 Jul 2007 15:35

Antivirus     Version     Last Update     Result
AhnLab-V3   2007.7.21.0   2007.07.20   no virus found
AntiVir   2007.07.21   no virus found
Authentium   4.93.8   2007.07.20   no virus found
Avast   4.7.997.0   2007.07.22   no virus found
AVG   2007.07.21   no virus found
BitDefender   7.2   2007.07.22   no virus found
CAT-QuickHeal   9.00   2007.07.20   no virus found
ClamAV   devel-20070416   2007.07.22   no virus found
DrWeb   4.33   2007.07.22   Trojan.Packed.149
eSafe   2007.07.19   no virus found
eTrust-Vet   30.8.3797   2007.07.20   no virus found
Ewido   4.0   2007.07.22   no virus found
FileAdvisor   1   2007.07.22   no virus found
Fortinet   2007.07.22   no virus found
F-Prot   2007.07.20   no virus found
F-Secure   6.70.13030.0   2007.07.22   Trojan.Win32.Obfuscated.en
Ikarus   T3.1.1.8   2007.07.22   Trojan.Win32.Obfuscated.en
Kaspersky   2007.07.22   Trojan.Win32.Obfuscated.en
McAfee   5079   2007.07.20   no virus found
Microsoft   1.2704   2007.07.22   no virus found
NOD32v2   2411   2007.07.21   no virus found
Norman   5.80.02   2007.07.20   no virus found
Panda   2007.07.22   no virus found
Sophos   4.19.0   2007.07.17   no virus found
Sunbelt   2.2.907.0   2007.07.21   no virus found
Symantec   10   2007.07.22   3wPlayer
TheHacker   2007.07.22   no virus found
VBA32   2007.07.21   no virus found

Mislim da je ovaj izvestaj dovoljan da te odvrati od instalacije tog programa.

Dopuna: 22 Jul 2007 15:39

Kazi mi da li je fajl koji zelis da pustis u WMV formatu, tj. da li ima WMV ekstenziju?

  • maha  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 06 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 1152

xVid - avi.

Dopuna: 22 Jul 2007 17:12

Koristim najviše KMPlayer ali i ostale po potrebi samo ovaj avi kao da ima neku zaštitu i može samo sa 3w player-om?

  • Pridružio: 04 Sep 2003
  • Poruke: 24135
  • Gde živiš: Wien

Opisi mi korak po korak sta si i kako uradio da si uopste stigao do toga da je potreban taj plejer.

  • Pridružio: 10 Nov 2005
  • Poruke: 293
  • Gde živiš: `grad u kome je glupo voziti skejt`

i meni se to desilo kad sam skidao jedan film sa torrenta....pri pokretanju trazio je da se skine taj player.....
kad sam ga skinuo,i pokrenuo avast je registrovao trojanca,kojeg je naravno izbrisao,i stvarno se instalirao neki prosecan player koji je pokrenuo taj film...nista spec,izbrisao sam i film i player,jer nije bio film koji sam skidao nego neki madjarski nicpor.....

  • Pridružio: 04 Sep 2003
  • Poruke: 24135
  • Gde živiš: Wien

amsterdamxxx ::i meni se to desilo kad sam skidao jedan film sa torrenta....pri pokretanju trazio je da se skine taj player.....
kad sam ga skinuo,i pokrenuo avast je registrovao trojanca,kojeg je naravno izbrisao,i stvarno se instalirao neki prosecan player koji je pokrenuo taj film...nista spec,izbrisao sam i film i player,jer nije bio film koji sam skidao nego neki madjarski nicpor.....

1. na forumu ima i dece koju ne treba od sada uciti p*rno-pacenistvu, zato bih te zamolio da sledeci put neke stvari zadrzis za sebe
2. koja je svrha davati link ka programu za koji smo utvrdili da dolazi za trojancem?

  • maha  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 06 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 1152

Pa ok. amsterdamxxx je problem lepo objasnio ali koja je svrha upotrebiti link ako je program pod virusom!

  • Pridružio: 04 Sep 2003
  • Poruke: 24135
  • Gde živiš: Wien

Upravo je swatkat sa CastleCops foruma (nasi drugari) odradio malu analizu ovog plejera i dosao do saznanja da 3w Player instalira LOP infekciju:
- pop-up reklame kada se koristi IE
- preusmeravanja na druge sajtove ukoliko trazeni sajt nije nadjen (presretanje povratnih informacija od DNS servera)
- itd. itd.

swatcat je pripremio fin izvod iz EULA-e ovog programa:

Citat:End User License Agreement

This End User License Agreement ("Agreement") governs use of Circle Development Ltd.'s ("CiD") software product and related written materials (the "Software") that you are about to install. The term "Software" also includes any upgrades, modified versions or updates of the Software, which may be provided to you from time to time. A copy of the Software will be licensed to you as the registered end user. Before you install the Software, you must agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

1) By accepting these terms and conditions, the Software will be installed on your computer. The search page for your web browsers auto search option and default error page are set to a web page determined by the Software. The software does not transmit the URL of any valid website that you or any user visits to a 3rd party server. The software may however transmit DNS errors or "non resolving / invalid domain names only" back to the server in order to diagnose communication issues. The Software will deliver popup advertisements on your computer on a regular basis. Installation of the Software may also add bookmarks to your computer and web browser, and shortcuts to the desktop and various menus. The added bookmarks and shortcuts may be removed manually or via un-installation of the Software. If incorrect host-file entries are detected for this Software's related domain names, those entries will be removed in order for this software to function properly.

2) You represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years of age and that you are the owner or are authorized by the owner of this computer to download and install software on this computer. Because the Software is advertising supported and provides additional content based on keywords in the websites you visit, you agree to provide a copy of CiD's Privacy Policy and this Agreement to any users of this computer and obtain their consent to this Agreement and the Privacy Policy before installation of the Software, unless you can legally accept this Agreement on behalf of all other users of this computer.

3) By accepting this agreement you acknowledge that in order for this software to function properly it must communicate with its host network via the Internet from your computer. You hereby grant your explicit approval for this software to communicate from this computer system through your software firewall or hardware routing system (if present) with CiDs' host network. For users of Windows XP Sp2 this softwares host domain names will be added to your web browsers allowed list for popups. Because this software will incorporate as part of your Internet Explorer web browser package and will run as part of that process when active on your system, your firewall or router may not prompt you for communication access once this software is installed.
7) The Software may display advertisements or additional content that contain links to third party websites and such links to third party websites should not imply an endorsement or approval of CiD of the material on such third party websites. These third party websites are not under any control of CiD and CiD is not responsible for the content available on such third party websites. Accessing any such third party websites shall be at your, or the users own risk....................

  • maha  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 06 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 1152

Pa valjda je ovo dovoljno da se okanemo nekog 3w pl. pored tolikih drugih a filmove možete "nabaviti" i u drugim formatima (ili u istim) koji funkcionišu bez problema.Nisu vredni zaj....cija koje dolaze posle!

  • Pridružio: 12 Jan 2004
  • Poruke: 9661
  • Gde živiš: Čačak

Sad cu da budem ZoNi Mr. Green

Jesi li probao da pustis sa Media Player Classic-om? Taj pusta sve zivo.

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