AnalogX LinkExaminer

AnalogX LinkExaminer

  • Pridružio: 17 Jun 2012
  • Poruke: 727

AnalogX LinkExaminer omogucava duboko skeniranje wlastitih web sajtova u potrazi za slomljenim linkovima, ukljucujuci izgubljene slike, sporo ucitavanje stranica, dupliciranim stranicama kao i izgubljenim SEO tagovima i jos mnogo toga u svom paketu.

Program koristi jako brz engine kako bih izvrsio duboko skeniranje i jako velikih stranica, mogu se modifikovati po vlastitoj zelji radnje koje ce program izvrsiti prilikom skeniranje.

Svakako program koji vrijedi paznje Exclamation


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If you have your own website, then I'm sure you've run into the problem of broken links - whether they are links off of your site that are no longer there, or something that you moved around internally and forgot to update an old page. Either way updating and keeping tabs on a large site can be a real nightmare - and that's where AnalogX LinkExaminer comes in!

AnalogX LinkExaminer at its core is a link checker, it goes through each and every page (assuming you have it set to) and parses the HTML in order to extract the links existing on the page. While it's parsing the page, it can also perform other checks; from simple tasks like extracting the page title, to SEO analysis, to more advanced tasks like identifying pages with high similarity to other pages. Once it's done, you can go over the results in the GUI, then export to a variety of formats including CSV and Google-compatible XML sitemaps. It also boasts a template-based HTML report generation engine, that allows you to make completely custom report to focus on the aspects of the scan that are most critical to you.

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