Chronos Atomic Clock Synchronizer 4.0

Chronos Atomic Clock Synchronizer 4.0

  • den78  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 07 Jul 2005
  • Poruke: 1227
  • Gde živiš: Moe's Tavern

Chronos Atomic Clock Synchronizer 4.0

Chronos Atomic Clock Synchronizer is a utility for people who need their computers to use exact time. The program connects to various atomic clock timeservers and synchronizes your internal clock with time provided by these servers. Key benefits: connects on many atomic clock time servers; you can add any time server needed; improved algorithm to calculate differences between servers; calculates delays and synchronize on less than 0.1 seconds. Some other features: starts up automatically minimized to the tray; updated server list; shorter latency time for synchronizing; faster connection to the sync servers.


529 KB

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