Naleteo sam na ovo programce od samo 3 kb koje kao sto mozete procitati ima funkciju da moze da brise fajlove koji su trenutno u upotrebi i koji ne daju da se obrisu.Samo je posle pokretanja ovoga programa potrebno restrartovati komp i to je to.E sad ... Trenutno nemam takav fajl na kompu a zanima me da li ovo cudo radi ili je fake ... Postavio sam ovo ovde ako nekom nije tesko da ga testira sa nekim fajlom koji nece da se obrise i da javi kako radi ....
Toliko ...
DiamondCS DelLater (Freeware)
Citat:It's free, it's tiny, it's open source, it's easy to use, and it can delete files for you when all else fails.DiamondCS DelLater is a simple program that uses the only method that Mcft recommend to delete files that are in use. This method is based on documentation from Mcft that describes a function called MoveFileEx, and DelLater has been carefully designed to be technically accurate to the guidelines set forth in the article. Interestingly, this is the technique used by anti-virus scanners when they're unable to delete a file (such as a trojan) because it's in use. Although the MoveFileEx function isn't supported under Windows 95/98/ME, the article does describe how to implement the same functionality, which DelLater does. Don't worry if you don't understand the Mcft article as DelLater simplifies everything.
DelLater is the ideal program to use when you can't delete a file, no matter how hard you try. This is usually because an active process has an open handle to the file which prevents it from being deleted. Normally if you close down all running programs you'll find that most files will then be free to delete, but that's not always the case, and in some cases it may even be a trojan that's preventing itself from being deleted.
To DelLater A File...
1. Run dellater.exe <filename>
2. Reboot (whenever you like).
That's all that's required. After rebooting and logging in you'll be able to see that the file you specified is no longer there.