Digital Music Mentor -za gitariste

Digital Music Mentor -za gitariste

  • Pridružio: 22 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 201
  • Gde živiš: shumadija

evo jednog zanimljivog programa za sve gitariste...naime dovoljno je u program ucitati pesmu u mp3,ili wav formatu i ovaj program vam posle par sekundi izbaci koji se akordi koriste za pesmu koju ste ucitali...proverio sam na par pesama i tacno je izbacio...
program nije free..Smile
Digital Music Mentor is a software that helps you get the guitar chords and bass tabs for any song. It even shows you how to play the chords! It is so simple to use.

Digital Music Mentor can process any music, from any genre, and reveal the chords and bass tabs more accurately than any other program. Our goal is to provide every customer with the opportunity of playing along with your favourite songs and take your instrumental skills to a higher level!


·Reveal the chords
·Reveal the bass tabs
·Find "hidden" tones
·Slow down
·How to play the chords
·Loop selected sections

Digital Music Mentor is designed to make it easy for you to discover, transcribe, and play along with your digital music-from CD, WMA, MP3 and more.

Easy to use
Digital Music Mentor provides faster access to top activities, such as transcribing, transposing, and playing. You can also build your own layout, choose from a range of transcribing services, and much more.

Get the chords
Digital Music Mentor includes one of the best chord dictionaries. With DMM you can browse and play the chords on the guitar. Useful to beginners and skilled guitarists.

Get more than you need
Digital Music Mentor enables you to get those impossible riffs, solos, and parts by finding the "hidden tones" and/or slowing down without changing the pitch. DMM also makes sure that you always are "up to tune" with the song through finding the pitch.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 05 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 2134

Nisam probao to cudo al verujem da sam u pravu, naime...mnoga skuplja resenja nemogu razlikovati muziku od glasa u pesmi, tako da i glasu u pesmi daju akord ili notu pa kad tako dobijes mesane akorede nelici ninasta....mozda moze izvuci akorde jedino ukoliko svira samo instrumen a ne i ukoliko pored instrumenta ima i pevanja....

Daj boze da gresim....

Znaci dali ispisuje akorde muzike bez obzira na postojanje pevanja u njoj???

  • Pridružio: 22 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 201
  • Gde živiš: shumadija

licno imam bend,i probao sam nasih par pesama,veruj da je pogodio,ne kazem da mozda nece da pogresi,ali mi se cini da ok radi,mozda ima foru kao sto rade stimeri za komp....cak sa strane dok ide pesma,on pokazuje koji je akord i kako se hvata,ne kosta da probas.....

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