AnyDVD nije mogao da ukloni par protekcija za kopiranje DVD filmova, ali ovaj programcic odradio posao, i jos je FREE!
DVD43 is a free decrypter. This site will help you find DVD43 so you don't have to pay money for a decrypter. At the bottom of this page you will find links to several sites which host DVD43, a list of software that works well with DVD43 and a list of DVD copy review sites in case you are looking for a DVD copy program. does not host DVD43 and is not affiliated with the authors of DVD43.
WHAT DOES IT DO?: DVD43 decrypts DVD movies. DVD43 only works on Win2K and WinXP. If you have Win98 or WinME, use DVD Decrypter (use 'Mode' 'File') which allows you to rip all the files of a DVD to your hard drive and then copy with your favorite copy software.
HOW TO INSTALL: Run the setup file which installs DVD43 and leaves a happy face icon on your task bar. DVD43 will run in the background and decrypt movies on the fly.
HOW TO USE DVD43: Insert the DVD you want to copy and wait for DVD43 to detect it (smiley face turns green). Start your DVD copy software and copy your movie.
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