FL Studio

FL Studio

  • Pridružio: 20 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 4505
  • Gde živiš: planeta Zemlja

Image Line has released FL Studio 6 (actually v6.0.3), a major upgrade which features several enhancements and eight new plug-ins.

Leading the changes is the new, larger, resizable Mixer, with fully flexible inter-track routing and PDC functions. MIDI functionality has been extended to include a wider range of external controllers as well as foot-pedal support. The Play List and Piano Roll have been improved, ready to work hand-in-hand with a rack of new plugins such as Direct Wave advanced sampler, EQUO morphing graphic equalizer, Reeverb 2 and Delay Bank (a multi-bank delay), to name just a few. FL Studio's browser hasn't been overlooked either, with new search features and state recall functions.

New Plug-ins:
DirectWave is a powerful and versatile sampler.
EQUO is an advanced morphing graphic equalizer .
Fruity Delay Bank is a powerful delay/filter plugin with 8 available banks.
Fruity Multiband Compressor is a three band stereo compressor with limiter functionality.
Fruity Reeverb 2 simulates different types of acoustic spaces.
Fruity Squeeze is a bit reducing, distortion 'Puncher' and filtering plugin.
Chrome is a visualization plugin.
Envelope Controller.

Revamped Mixer with enhanced free track routing.
Plugin Delay Compensation (PDC).
Sytrus v2 included in XXL edition.
Visually revamped Browser with various enhancements.

For a complete list of changes please see the official change list.

FL Studio comes in 4 different editions:
FL Studio Express Edition: Download: $49 | Boxed: N/A.
FL Studio Fruityloops Edition: Download: $99 | Boxed: $139 SRP.
FL Studio Producer Edition: Download: $149 | Boxed: $209 SRP.
FL Studio XXL Edition: Download: $348 | Boxed: $449 SRP.

All product upgrades are free for existing download customers. Boxed versions are available from Image Line's International Distributors.

A free demo/trial version (save disabled) is available.

imao sam nekih poteskoca da nadjem link za verziju 6... Izgleda da su sad stavili na sajt (mada sinoc nije bilo)... Evo znaci zvanicnog linka:


velicina: 48.5 MB Mr. Green (skoro 15 mb vise nego li prosli put)...

enjoy FL studio freaks Smile

Dopuna: 26 Dec 2005 14:02

btw za sve one koji misle da je FL tezak ali ipak zele da ga nauce koristit:


treba vam MS Office ili Word Viewer.... Ili nesto slicno...

Dopuna: 26 Dec 2005 18:57

ajoj... Sta mu uradise... Visuelno je sad sav s*eban... Izmenjan je redosled i dodati su razni efekti transparentnosti... ZVuk je i dalje isti a ono stoje mene licno zanimalo je da li rade projekti koji su radjeni u FL 5-ici (da podsetim FL5 nije dobro reprodukovao projekte koje ste radili u FL-u 4 pa ste morali rucno da doradjujete projekat za verziju 5)... Naravno radi ki zmaj i to mi je drago...

koliko sam primetio FL 6 ne donosi neke nove samplove... I moguce je izabrati stare klasicne skinove Mr. Green
U svakom slucaju vredi skidati zbog novih pluginova (koje nisam jos probao)... Mada je sad malo promenjen nacin ubacivanja nekih efekata itd... ali dobro sta sad...

Dopuna: 22 Jan 2006 21:50

mage Line has released version 6.0.8 (16-og januara) of FL Studio.


* Chrome now has a Graphics Tester to avoid people crashing their FL Studio.
* DirectWave 1.0.3 (with synced LFO & other small improvements).
* The new ASIO treatment should now solve most issues people had with FL 6.0.x.


instalacija je "laksa" od v6.0.3 ali opet (negde oko 48.000 kilobajta je)

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  • Pridružio: 16 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 1251
  • Gde živiš: Podgorica

odličan još ja imam xxl Mr. Green

  • Pridružio: 03 Jan 2006
  • Poruke: 137
  • Gde živiš: Agartha

imam i ja xxl..
evo jedna stvar, inache nastala za 10 min niksicgrad.com/astral/samadhi.mp3

  • Pridružio: 20 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 4505
  • Gde živiš: planeta Zemlja

btw ja imam jedno pitanje: demo verzija FL-a je u stvari DEMo verzija FL studio Producers edition-a zar ne? Bar mi se tako cini...

eh... Pojacaj kick i promeni melodiju (ne slaze se sa bassom Wink)

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