Game Booster

Game Booster

  • Pridružio: 20 Avg 2010
  • Poruke: 281

Game Booster v2 beta

Game Booster je software koji pomaze da se na nesto slabijim i starijim konfiguracijama racunara igraju nove igre.Radi na nekoliko principa
1.Automatski gasi nepotrebne windows procese,kako bi igranje bilo brze i kako nebi dolazilo do nekih gresaka i bagova.
2.Omogucava instaliranje najnovijih drivera za vas PC kako bi igranje bilo efikasnije.
3.Downloadovanje i Updateovanje igara.
4.Defragmentovanje fileova igre i direktorijuma,kako bi se igra podizala ucitavala brze.
Link za vise informacija: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Dakle software je u beta fazi,ali videcemo sta ce biti.Mislim da to ne moze bas tek tako da se poboljsa bog zna koliko al videcemo...

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • mcrule  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Michael
  • Spy[Covert OPS], Gathering Intel/Info & The Ultimate Like Master[@ MyCity]
  • Pridružio: 21 Feb 2010
  • Poruke: 16934
  • Gde živiš: 43.6426°N 79.3871°W

Napisano: 31 Mar 2011 16:38

Game Booster 2.3

Only 1 click, turn slow PC into a fast gaming box

Designed to help optimize your PC for smoother, more responsive game play in the latest PC games with the touch of a button, Game Booster helps achieve the performance edge previously only available to highly technical enthusiasts.

It works by updating hardware drivers, downloading essential gaming tools, tweaking system settings for gaming, defragmenting game directories, temporarily shutting down background processes, cleaning RAM, and intensifying processor performance.

Works compatible with PunkBuster, Cheating-Death, VAC, and any other anti-cheat software, Game Booster makes it simpler to enjoy the latest games and take your experience to a new level. All systems go!

Current Version: 2.3

File Size: 6.74 MB

Operating System: Designed for Windows 7, Vista, XP and 2000

Release Date: Feb. 25, 2011

Designed to: Make your games running at peak performance.

Languages: Arabic, Catalan, Finnish, Indonesian, Croatian, Czech, Dansk, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese(BRAZIL), Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, 简体中文, 繁體中文.

Dopuna: 28 Jun 2011 6:07

Game Booster 2.41

Current Version: 2.41

File Size: 4.53 MB

Operating System: Designed for Windows 7, Vista, XP and 2000

Release Date: Jun. 20, 2011

Designed to: Make your games running at peak performance.

Languages: Arabic, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, Dansk, English, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese(BRAZIL), Romanian, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, 简体中文, 繁體中文.

IObit GameBooster 2.3 Tutorial by

  • benne  Male
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 2272
  • Gde živiš: From Bissau to Palau

Napisano: 29 Avg 2011 18:44

Game Booster 3.0

New in Game Booster 3.0:
New "Diagnose" function is now available:
 · Game Booster 3 now can analyze and generate a report which shows the weakness of your system that can effect your gaming experience, then you can export it and send it to our forum where our experts can provides you the best solutions for a better gaming performance.

New "Boost" features:
 · Now you can edit your own "Blacklist" and "Whitelist" in Game Booster 3. Meanwhile, Game Booster 3 can also set the priority of the processes automatically if you check the option of "Lower process priority".

Added "Game Desktop":
 · Through some special technical methods, Game Booster 3 now is able to provide you a pure "gaming environment" that if you run games via GameBox, you don't see desktop and taskbar anymore.

Optimized Boost module:
 · The configurations in Game Booster 3 have been optimized and now it's more intellective. You can check the processes you think unnecessary for games and submit them, then it will give you a user recommended configuration based on the votes.

Enhanced the detection features:
 · Game Booster 3 is now able to detect the games on Steam. And you can simply right click the game icon to start it via Game Booster 3.

Enhanced Tools:
 · The speed of driver updating and defrag has been significantly improved. The "Tweaks" has been optimized and now it provides "expert mode".

Dopuna: 28 Okt 2011 20:10

Game Booster 3.1

1. Optimized game list and fixed auto losing game in gamebox
2. Added "Delete" game in Gamebox and Defrag module
3. Added "Recommended games" in Gamebox
4. Added "Like it" and "Tell a friend"
5. Added "Rename" game in Gamebox
6. Fixed the problem of jumping to main screen while maximizing vice screen
7. Fixed lowering process priority of Steam game result from selecting "Lower process priority"
8. Updated language files

Dopuna: 02 Mar 2012 19:05

Game Booster 3.3.1

· Adjusted the size of UI
· Filtered the services that cause instability
· Fixed the bug that "Explorer.exe" cannot be shut down
· Fixed the bug that error report occured when loading Steam game list
· Updated the driver database
· Updated language file
· Optimized Diagnose

Dopuna: 29 Apr 2012 1:41

Game Booster 3.4

+ Added temperature detection function
+ Added more supported language
+ Fixed bugs in the previous version
- Removed all bundled installation
- Removed forums section

  • Milos
  • Pridružio: 05 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 716
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Ne znam za vas ali meni ovaj Game Booster ne pomaze.

  • Pridružio: 04 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 2104

Ni meni.Danas isprobam jednu igricu koja mi je seckala i opet isto.

  • akuci  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Aleksandar
  • Pridružio: 11 Maj 2008
  • Poruke: 2758
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad

Napisano: 29 Apr 2012 19:43

Ljudi, naravno da vam secka kada ovaj program ne radi nikakvo poboljsanje performansi samog racunara, vec samo oslobodi nesto memorije i pogasi neke procese.

Dopuna: 29 Apr 2012 19:44

Fa7aL!tY ::Game Booster v2 beta

Game Booster je software koji pomaze da se na nesto slabijim i starijim konfiguracijama racunara igraju nove igre.Radi na nekoliko principa
1.Automatski gasi nepotrebne windows procese,kako bi igranje bilo brze i kako nebi dolazilo do nekih gresaka i bagova.
2.Omogucava instaliranje najnovijih drivera za vas PC kako bi igranje bilo efikasnije.
3.Downloadovanje i Updateovanje igara.
4.Defragmentovanje fileova igre i direktorijuma,kako bi se igra podizala ucitavala brze.

Link za vise informacija: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Dakle software je u beta fazi,ali videcemo sta ce biti.Mislim da to ne moze bas tek tako da se poboljsa bog zna koliko al videcemo...

Mislim da nema potrebe dalje objasnjavati.

  • Milos
  • Pridružio: 05 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 716
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Pa onda mi ne vredi nista kad imam 4 gb rama.

  • Sport
  • Pridružio: 01 Nov 2007
  • Poruke: 282
  • Gde živiš: Zvornik

Ne znam za vas ali meni cini mi se pomaze, ne igram bas neke igre odma da kazem, samo CS s vremena na vreme, znam da se on moze igrati skoro sa digitronom ali kad imas 512 ram memorije moras da primetis ako ima bar malo poboljsanja. U medjuvremenu sam malo pojacao ram i cini mi se da je sve nekako brze, lakse, al mozda sam ipak umislio Very Happy

PS: Iz programa ne radi apdejt, tacnije, jos nisu podesili jer javlja uvek aktuelnu verziju koju vec imate, ako odete na sajt i skinete sa sajta onda cete imati najnoviju. Tako je bar bilo do danas.

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