Internet Lock

Internet Lock

  • kraza  Male
  • Zaslužni građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Okt 2006
  • Poruke: 588
  • Gde živiš: uz kompjuter

assword protects internet connection and internet programs: Internet Explorer, Firefox, MSN Messenger, Outlook...
Internet Lock is the access control and password protection solution for your internet connections and programs. By using Internet Lock, you can password protect any program from accessing internet, you also can block any internet program.

Internet Lock can password protect or block any kind of internet programs from accessing internet, for example: password protects all web browsers including Internet Explorer, Firefox, AOL etc.

Internet Lock provides an easy-to-use wizard to help you to protect internet connections, for example "Password Protect All Web Browsers", "Password Protect All Email Clients", "Deny All FTP Programs" etc.

Internet Lock supports schedule options, supports to protect port ranges. Internet Lock works in low level driver mode, it will never slow down the connection speeds.

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