LCD Smartie v5.3.2 - Final

LCD Smartie v5.3.2 - Final

  • DEMIAN  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • IT Manager
  • Pridružio: 25 Mar 2005
  • Poruke: 3706
  • Gde živiš: The darkest place on earth..

LCD Smartie is software for Windows that you can use to show lots of different types of information on your LCD/VFD. It supports LCD/VFD's with a Hitachi HD44780 Controller, a Matrix Orbital Serial/USB LCD, Crystalfontz Serial/USB LCD, Seetron Serial LCD/VFD, IRTrans driven VFDs, SoundGraph iMON VFDs, and PalmOS devices (when used with PalmOrb).

It can display: MBM stats (your CPU temp, fan/cooler speed, etc), BBC World News (or any other RSS feed!), WinAmp stats (currently playing tracks title, length, position, etc), Network stats (speed, total bytes, etc), CPU Speed, Disk available/free, memory usage, Email details, game stats, and many more...

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