

  • Fil  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Jun 2009
  • Poruke: 16586

Tekuća verzija: ManicTime v2.3.8

Podržani OS: Windows XP SP3 ili noviji

Download link:

* Postoji standardna (besplatna) i profesionalna verzija alata
* Postoji i portabilna verzija
* Secijalni zahtev: .NET Framework 4


Arrow Auto tracking of computer usage
Manictime sits in the background and records your activities, so you can just forget it is there and focus on your work. When you are finished you can use collected data to accurately keep track of your time.

Arrow Keep track of your work hours
After you have finished working, you can use MT to keep track of your hours. That means no more "punch-clock" like software, where you always forget to start or stop the clock. Just sit back and do your work. After you are finished, you can easily use collected data to accurately keep track of your time.

Arrow Simple and intuitive UI
During the course of the day average user can switch back and forth between applications more than a 1000 times, which means ManicTime gathers a lot of data. Using our timeline technology Manictime presents the data in an easy to understand way. You can drag on the timelines to select time or just mouse over to see hints about underlying data.

Arrow Local storage
Gathered data can sometimes be sensitive and you don't want it sent over the wire and shared. That is why all the data Manictime gathers is stored locally on your computer and you can delete it any time you want. Having a local database also enables you to use ManicTime offline, without an Internet connection.

Arrow Powerful statistics
See which applications you use the most or on which web sites you spend the most time. Also easily figure out how much time you spent working on projects to accurately bill your clients or just keep track of your work.

* Inspiracija za otvaranje teme: LINK

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