Movie Catalog XP 2.2

Movie Catalog XP 2.2

  • Pridružio: 20 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 4505
  • Gde živiš: planeta Zemlja

Movie Catalog XP is a completly free program that allows you to organize, catalog, manage and gather information about all your movie collections: DVD, CD (VideoCD, DivX, ...), tapes and anything else that you cand think of.Movie Catalog XP is a software that organize and gather information about your movie collections.

Here are some key features of "Movie Catalog XP":

· it is fully integrated with IMDb (the largest Internet Movie Database), the information is retrieved quickly and accurate, you can edit it and add it right to you catalog!
· very easy to use and it allows an unlimited number of entries with almost no hard-disk space!
· easy sorting and comparing based on entry-number, title, genre, your rating, IMDb rating, description
· advanced search method in your own database and on IMDb


· .Net Framework 2.0

What's New in This Release:

· if movie has no poster, default image is loaded from the hdd (faster)
· columns can be reordered in "View" mode
· MAJOR bugs fixed due to the fact that final versions of .NET Framework 2 and Visual Studio 2005 are out

e sad najveca boljka je to sto morate imati NET.framework 2.0 sto verujem da nisu svi skinuli pa moze biti problema... Ali ko vec ima net 2.0 onda neka uziva:

licenca: GPL
velicina: 428 kb

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