

  • den78  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 07 Jul 2005
  • Poruke: 1227
  • Gde živiš: Moe's Tavern

Mpeg2Schnitt v0.8

Mpeg2schnitt je odlican besplatan program za obradu mpeg2 materijala...ima istu namenu kao popularni videoredo i womble mpeg-vcr, znaci sluzi za secenje video materijala (vadjenje reklama)... prima obican mpg video...njega je potrebno prvo demuxovati...znaci razdvojiti video i audio (to cete najlakse uraditi sa besplatnim alatima kao sto su pvastrumento i projectx) i tako uneti...prvo video pa audio.
output ce vam biti isto demuxovan...tako da ako zelite da spojite A\V...iskoristite besplatan imago mpeg muxer


Excellent free application that can do simple cutting of MPEG2 video and audio without re-encoding. You can also pick chapter points with the viewer and then use them in a text file when you author (in IFOEdit, for example). The viewer plays back AC3 audio, too. Is not frame accurate (I and P frames only), but for removing commercials, etc. it is perfect.
Requires demultiplexed/splitted video and audio streams.

Version 0.8: (16.02.06) Archives "" contain all for the program of needed files. In addition a listing tree produced on also the provided attitudes to be based. In the individual listings "Liesmich.txt" files with data are to the necessary programs (Muxen, effects). In archives "" are contained only the changed files in relation to the version 0.7.1.
* changed surface
* Error eliminates
* smaller improvements

Licence: Freeware

Homepage (German)
Homepage (English)
Mpeg2Schnitt 0.8 (instalacioni) - created by DEN78 ...enjoY Smile
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Dopuna: 27 Dec 2007 21:36

Mpeg2Schnitt v0.9

changes in version 0.9 (26.12.07):

There is a new window "film overview" (opinion --> film overview) with film/advertisement search support (binary search).
On cut average pictures of the in and Outschnittes can be indicated (options --> cut list).
Framegenauer cut and video effects are possible. Furthermore long Gops can again be computed to. In addition a Encoderscript is necessary (options --> external programs).
The actual cut now always takes place with the SchnittTool. One presses a temporary project on the CUT key in the temp listing (options --> listings) is stored and the SchnittTool with this project in the "a project mode" started. The program Mpeg2Schnitt is not opened during the SchnittTool is to be served. In the SchnittTool still changes can be made now. OK ONE starts the schnittvorgang and a breaking off brings us back to M2S. After the cut the SchnittTool is closed and activated M2S. The SchnittTool can being naturally also used like used.
The attitudes for video and audio effects, Encoden(framegenauer cut) and Nachbearbeitung(z.B. Muxen) are made now in Scripten. This Scripte must be produced and worked on provisionally with a normal editor. In the listing audio effect is to be found the Script with the same function as in the old version (to 0.8.7). In the listing video effect is the appropriate Script for video effects. AVISynth must be insalliert. In the listing Encoder are contained of Scripte to framegenauen cuts.
Which values for the bit rate and the Aspectratio can be adjusted into the first sequence header of the new video file will in-GET-MOVE.

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