Open Hardware Monitor

Open Hardware Monitor

  • Pridružio: 05 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 2134

Open Hardware Monitor je program namenjen pracenju temperatura, naravno hardverskih Mr. Green i jos po nesto.
Desnim klikom na zeljenu temperaturu(hardver) i add to tray smestamo istu u tray i uvek mozemo videti temperaturu tog hardvera.

Iz padajuceg menija opcije view, mozemo izabrati graficki prikaz temperaturnih promena odabiranjem opcije plot i cekiranjem polja ispred hardvera cije promene zelimo prikazati.
Odabirom min-max dobijamo jos dve kolone sa min i max vrednostima

ostale slike:

Trenutna verzija je Open Hardware Monitor 0.1.34 Beta aplikacija je free i portabilna je


dakle jos je u beta fazi, ali bice nesto od njega
Evo, uporedio sam merenja njega i vec proverenog HWiNFO32 programa to jest njegove Sensors opcije, rezultati su isti:

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Aco  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Aleksandar
  • Pridružio: 12 Maj 2006
  • Poruke: 16823
  • Gde živiš: /home/aco

Open Hardware Monitor 0.6.0 Beta

-Added a new plotting implementation using a .NET 2.0 backport of the OxyPlot library. All types of sensors can now be added to the plot. The plot can be configured to use stacked axes instead of subplots for each sensor type. The plot supports automatic or manual plot region selection.
-Added support for Intel Haswell CPUs.
-Added support for AMD family 15h model 1Xh and family 16h CPUs.
-Added support for the Fintek F71869A (F71868AD) super I/O chip.
-Added support for new Samsung SSDs (like Samsung SSD 840 PRO).
-Added support for fan control on ITE 87XX chips and a mainboard specific configuration for the ---Gigabyte GA 970A UD3 (both based on a patch from Eric Hokanson).
-Changed the HDD detection to list hard drives without SMART support as well.
-Enabled fan control on mainboards by default.
-Improved the kernel driver loading code.
-Added additional information from the SMBIOS to the report.
-Fixed some stability issues in the remote web server implementation.
-Fixed a stability issue in the WMI provider implementation.
-Extended the list of supported super I/O chips on Linux using the lm-sensors interface.
-Reduced the amount of dynamic memory allocation.


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