Poslao: 07 Okt 2007 20:52
- mrkavac
- Elitni građanin
- Pridružio: 19 Jul 2005
- Poruke: 1783
Pea Zip
Pea je relativno nov arhiv format koji podržava višestepenu kompresiju i razbijanje i ponovno spajanje datoteka većih gabarita, uz potpunu podršku enkripcije i provere integriteta izlazne datoteke.
Program koji služi za kreiranje ovih i mnogih drugih tipova sabijenih digitalnih sadržaja zove se PeaZip i stiže u instalacionom paketu veličine 2.8 MB.
Kao što vidite podržani su svi poznatiji formati arhiva, među kojima su 7-Zip, CAB, ISO, RAR i njima slični.
Način kreiranja i raspakivanja arhiva verujemo da nije potrebno detaljno objašnjavati. Funkcionalan korisnički interfejs u nekoliko koraka će i računarskim početnicima omogućiti da samostalno barataju kompresovanim zapisima.
Zanimljiv alat koji PeaZip nudi jeste Benchmark. On omogućava testiranje hardverskih performansi računara i poređenje „snage" procesora i memorije za poslove kompresije i dekompresije digitalnog paketa. Sasvim logično, pakovanje je u proseku oko 10 puta sporije od raspakivanja.
Download - 2.8 MB - Free - HomePage
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 08 Okt 2007 08:07
- oblak
- Legendarni građanin
- Glavni moderator foruma Mobilni telefoni
- Pridružio: 14 Feb 2005
- Poruke: 6355
gledao sam interfejs i istog dana skinuo exe...
spartanski izgleda ali radi jako solidno...jedino sto se srusi kada pakujete fajlove vece od 1gb...u pea format?
Poslao: 11 Nov 2008 22:01
- Rogi
- Mod u pemziji
- Najbolji košarkaš koji
- je ikada igrao ovu igru
- Pridružio: 31 Avg 2005
- Poruke: 11687
PeaZip 2.4
Change log
# Allowed proportional toolbar buttons as option to allow fit longer text of some localizations
# Autosized or optionally custom sized height for UI items, to fix visual issues with certain default setting of font size / window decorations (i.e. Ubuntu Linux, Windows at 120 DPI)
# (Windows) Drag and drop form (transparent) follows the mouse and shows source, destination and content being dragged
# Esc remapped to cancel current selection and cut/copy/past operations, and to stop drag and drop operations on Windows
# New icons for unsupported files, executables/installers and MSOffice/OpenOffice files (which are opened with system's associated action by default); icons are made transparent on Cut operation
Archive manager
# Files and folders being added to archive's layout are displayed in application's windows title bar
# If the archive is in a read only path, preview are transparently done using a temporary work path accessible to current user, and "Extract here" popup directory selection dialog to chose a writeable path
File manager
# (Windows) Added shortcuts to user's document folder path
# Cut/copy/paste clipboard:
* clipboard content shown in Options" Panel in file browser
o single items can be removed from clipboard to further refine the selection
* option to keep in clipboard multiple (and mixed) cut/copy operations
# (Windows) Improved system's paths recognition if methods based on environment variables fails, including the case of username containing extended characters
# File/folders list and info functions implemented as part of PEA, so will run in parallel in a separate process
# More info about machine and filesystem in I/O panel
# Simple hexadecimal preview implemented in PEA
# Updated web search functions: search in Google video, Wiktionary, Commons, Wikibooks, Wikisource, Wikinews, Yahoo and Yahoo answers
# Built with Lazarus 0.9.26
# (Linux) Installable packages now places PeaZip folder in /usr/share/ (it needs new PeaZip UNACE plugin package)
Download: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/peazip/peazip-2.4.bin.WINDOWS.exe
Poslao: 15 Sep 2009 21:02
- Rogi
- Mod u pemziji
- Najbolji košarkaš koji
- je ikada igrao ovu igru
- Pridružio: 31 Avg 2005
- Poruke: 11687
Napisano: 28 Jan 2009 14:35
PeaZip 2.5
# Updated Wolfgang Ehrhardt's libraries
# Updated to 7z 4.64 and p7zip 4.61 (Linux)
* can now extract PKWARE-AES
* can now create LZMA compressed .zip archives
# Text encoding
* Job's definition can now be saved as utf-8 text or plain text
* Extended characters in archived object's names can now be displayed (on Windows this is limited to characters included in system's console codepage; single character encodings are supported at the moment)
* optionally (Tools > Settings > General (2) > Encoding) extended characters can be replaced by jolly "?" character to avoid possible issues between archive's and system's character encodings
# File/archive browser:
* now selects last visited path/archive (like WinRAR/7-Zip)
* improved archive browser speed
* recognizes .r01 and .z01 extensions as multipart archives
# Reorganized browser and layout context menus
* "Open"/"Extract and open"/"Preview" submenus now features 16 customisable applications (editors, players, antivirus etc) to be used as default editors overriding system's file associations
o 8 are in form of simple to edit application list
o 8 can be more complex command lines
o various applications and antivirus are recognized by default
# Program can now be minimized to tray icon
# (Linux) program's functions can be invoked from Nautilus scripts; the scripts are provided in Freedesktop_integration folder and have to be manually copyed to Nautilus script's directory
# Various fixes and improvements
* Help is now available offline
* PeaLauncher can now act autonomously from PeaZip for extraction functions (may help porting since it is not needed to build the more complex UI of PeaZip to access to basic extraction functions which are provided by PeaLauncher itself)
* Quick extraction functions now uses PeaZip defaults rather than backend application's defaults
* Reorganized "Settings" panel
# New translations: Hungarian, Sinhala, Swedish
Download: http://peazip.sourceforge.net/
Dopuna: 15 Sep 2009 21:02
PeaZip 2.7.0
#2.7 line is focused to a major GUI update, featuring a clearer taskbar, and compression and extraction stages with a simpler, task oriented interface, whithout losing the flexibility of composing job's layout from multiple sources and ability to toggle between browser and job definition mode as in previous versions of the program.
#In PeaZip 2.7 it is possible to save/restore layouts also for extraction jobs (not only for compression), simplifying saving and restoring previously definited backup or restore tasks, and to compress files/folders into individual archives from archive creation interface; it is also possible (optionally) to open automatically the output path after extraction/compression operations, like some other archivers does.
#FreeArc backend is updated with new 0.51 version, allowing creation of self-extracting ARC archives, and 7z backend is updated to 9.07.
#PAQ, LPAQ and ZPAQ are supported for archiving and extraction; ZPAQ support is still partial, allowing only saving and restoring to original full paths (recommended for backup/restore only, rather than for general purpose archiving tasks).
#On Linux, .desktop files (KDE) and Nautilus scripts (Gnome; needs to be manually copied in script's folder) were updated to use the new extraction dialog.
#Windows installer was updated to create context menu's extraction entries only for archive types, and to restore association of ZIP files with Compressed Folder utility when PeaZip is uninstalled.
#A total of 95 file extensions are supported.
Download: http://peazip.sourceforge.net/
Poslao: 17 Sep 2010 00:25
- Rogi
- Mod u pemziji
- Najbolji košarkaš koji
- je ikada igrao ovu igru
- Pridružio: 31 Avg 2005
- Poruke: 11687
Napisano: 22 Nov 2009 18:52
PeaZip 2.8.0
* Item's height autosizes to fit system's DPI and fonts' size
* New keyboard shortcuts:
Ctrl+N create new folder
Ctrl+R rename file
Ctrl+U up to computer's or archive's root level
* Navigation menu
- History menu is now replicated in navigation menus
- Navigation menu in browser's context menu was grouped in a single entry
- Navigation menus now contains only navigation related entries: "Add to bookmarks" is now featured in "Misc" group in all context menus of the application
* Search
- recursivity option is remembered for the current session
- search dialog can optionally be directly raised with recursivity is unflagged (Ctrl+F3) or flagged (Shift+F3)
* Bookmarks panel: added "Explore path with PeaZip", "Explore path" and "Open command prompt here" entries in bookmarks' panel menu
* Archiving and extraction interfaces now shows "Use advanced filters" switch
* It is possible to execute archiving/extraction jobs with no items in layout, if advanced filters are in use
* History menu replicated in archiving/extraction navigation menus allows to quickly select paths visited in current session from archive/extract interfaces
* It is now possible to set custom default output path for archiving operations (like for extraction operations), and it is now possible to go from file browser to empty extraction interface (i.e. to add archives to be extracted by drag and drop) clicking on Extract button with no archive selected, likewise to what is possible for going to empty archiving interface
Download: http://peazip.sourceforge.net/
Dopuna: 18 Jan 2010 22:26
PeaZip 2.9.0
- (Windows) Added reference SendTo items in PeaZip's path to simplify customizing installation, to share those items between users, and to use this type of system integration for PeaZip Portable
- (Windows) New default icon library with icons from Seven theme
- Various fixes
- (Windows 7) Cascaded context menu with icons, since in Windows 7 and later cascading menu implementation is supported through registry settings, which is now recommended over COM methods
- Various fixes
Download: http://peazip.sourceforge.net/
Dopuna: 26 Jan 2010 15:20
PeaZip 2.9.1
* Display sizes with suffixes (and a decimal) to improve readability
* Improved startup time searching unc name only for remote units
* Fixes:
- (Windows) fixed some possible crash conditions
- various fixes
Download: http://peazip.sourceforge.net/
Dopuna: 22 Feb 2010 20:44
PeaZip 3.0.0
- Added support to .cbr, .cbz, .cbt, .cba, .cb7, 123 file extensions supported
- Default naming policy option for 7z backend is now "skip existing files" as for other backend executables
- Added "Ask before overwriting" mode in extraction options for 7z backend (all other options are still available: skip, auto rename extracted, auto rename existing, overwrite existing)
- Custom syntax combobox default changed to "parameters, output, input"
- Improved password form's text
- Validatecl procedure allows > and < characters, still disallowed in checkfilename and checkfiledirname
- Improved sizes detection in pealauncher
- Separate icons for 7z, rar and zip file types
- Context menu item "Browse path with PeaZip" now enabled by default
Download: http://peazip.sourceforge.net/
Dopuna: 01 Maj 2010 4:16
PeaZip 3.1.0
- (Windows) 7z 9.13 beta
- Added entries to add and organize bookmarks in navigation bar
- Options > Settings: click ok to accept changes or cancel to discard
- Various minor updates
- (Linux) Added service menus for KDE4/Dolphin
- Fixed: removed unsupported -mmt switch for creation of GZip archives
- Last used custom application for archiving and extraction is automatically remembered
- Ok and Cancel buttons can now be selected using tab in archiving and extraction interfaces, and Ok button is now automatically selected to allow confirm job simply pressing enter
- In extraction/archiving interfaces click Ok to apply the changes to options and launch the job (or only to apply changes if the layout is empty), click Cancel to discard the changes and the job
Download: http://peazip.sourceforge.net/
Dopuna: 01 Jul 2010 14:55
PeaZip 3.2.1
- (Windows) 7z 9.15 beta
- fixed browsing some types of split compressed files, i.e. .bz.001
- fixed preserving/removing original file extension in archive name accordingly to archive type
- added optional theming image for file manager's toolbar
- fixed: the installer now removes older versions' language files during the installation
- Nautilus script files are now marked as executable, as required in some distributions
- (Qt version) the installer now tries to link libqt4intf.so in some more paths used by some distributions
Download: http://peazip.sourceforge.net/
Dopuna: 17 Sep 2010 0:25
PeaZip 3.3.0
* (Windows) updated to 7z 9.16 beta
* improved capability of launching favourite programs and websites from file browser
- "Open..." group in navigation menu to launch most common operations (such as open file or directory) and favourite applications and websites
- new "Run" entry to type and launch arbitrary programs or websites
- new "Web search" dialog for launching single or multiple searches at once
- added alternative command for advanced applications/scripts group, to be executed if no parameter is received
- updated integration with Avira and Virustotal
* (Windows) improved aspect of drag and drop information panel
- (Windows Vista/7) improved desktop recognition
* (Windows) improved handling of non accessible mapped units
- if the operation takes more time than expected, following remote unit tests are skipped
- added an option to skip testing mapped units in Options > General (2), which is automatically set when the previous case applies
* improved recognition of malformed archives (not containing entries for directories), which triggers to switch to flat browsing mode in order to show all objects
- toggle flat/browse mode icon is prompted in the taskbar to speed up "show all" inside archives
* added link to PeaZip's folder in Options > Settings > General (1)
* themes were updated
* fixed browsing of .Z files
* fixed setting preferred applications brings to correct options page
Download: http://peazip.sourceforge.net/
Poslao: 25 Okt 2010 20:01
- benne
- Elitni građanin
- Pridružio: 14 Okt 2010
- Poruke: 2272
- Gde živiš: From Bissau to Palau
PeaZip 3.4.0
- (Windows) updated to 7z 9.17 beta
- Updated units of Wolfgang Ehrhardt's crypto library
- Improved information reported by PeaLauncher, when applicable total and selected size of extraction operation reported separately
- Improved indication of progress during long operation
* if an operation exceeds 0.5 seconds it is shown a (simil)marquee progress bar
* if an operation exceeds 0.5 seconds the refresh button is changed in stop button, allowing to stop current operation
> to prevent loss of time and user's focus a fresh instance of PeaZip is started in the last directory while the old instance is handled in background
- Added PanelIntro, usually not visible due to the speed of a normal startup
* if startup of the program is slowed for any reason user is informed about loading progress (0 inital form status 1 configuration and theming files loaded 2 input parameters parsed and executed)
* controls cannot be clicked for error until GUI is fully loaded and ready to accept user's input
* some controls load faster as they aren't visible
- Improved file browser
* Tighter integration with extraction interface
* New toolbar button on the right of "Extract", featuring a menu for
> direct extraction of the whole archive (or selected archives) to most commonly used locations
> check and modify most common extraction settings
* New keyboard shortcuts available bot in browser and in extraction interfaces for "Extract all to..." (Ctrl+E or F12), "Extract all here" (Ctrl+Alt+E), "Extract all to Desktop" (Ctrl+Shift+E), "Extract all to Documents" (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E); Ctrl+1..8 extract to bookmark's 1..8 path (if defined); Ctrl+9 extract to default output path (if defined).
- Extraction from context menu made context sensitive, if no archive is selected the extract/test entries are disabled
- Added small icons mode for file browser
- Changed Toolbar modes: 3 with large and 3 with small icons (text below, text on the right, no text), and text only mode
- Toolbar is now set to large mode by default for better readability of main program's function
- Remapped function keys:
* Ctrl+* shortcuts for status bar types remapped to Ctrl+Alt+*
* Ctrl+F9 create keyfile
* F12 extract all to...
- Apps moved to a separate modal form, reachable in Organize menu
- Theme moved to a separate form, reachable in Options menu
- (Windows) Configure system integration entry now reachable in Options menu
- Default language file now changed to default.txt, that can be overwritten (i.e. by hand, or by custom installers or configuration script) to start by default the application in a non-Englih language; resetting the application will then result to swicth back to the language chosen for default.txt
- Rationalized themes moving some common decoration elements from separate bitmaps to non-themed graphic resources of the executable
- Various minor fixes and improvements
- 124 file extensions supported
* added .fla; use Open with... > Open as archive to open, as for other non-archive types (supported formats not originally meant to be used as classic archives)
Download: http://peazip.sourceforge.net/
Poslao: 13 Dec 2010 16:27
- Rogi
- Mod u pemziji
- Najbolji košarkaš koji
- je ikada igrao ovu igru
- Pridružio: 31 Avg 2005
- Poruke: 11687
PeaZip 3.5.1
- Updated to UPX 3.07
- Updated Wolfgang Ehrhardt's crypto library units to latest available version
- Fixed: opening a password protected archive counts as password validation, so the password confirmation field inherits password field value
- Fixed: "Encrypt also file names" option is ignored for formats not supporting this feature "Encrypt also file names" flag is now remembered
- Removed -x.y version suffix from language file names so next version's updates will preserved user-selected language It is possible to select existing themes (previously loaded custom temes) with directory selection dialog
Download : http://www.peazip.org/