Ovo je jedan od programa bez kojeg se moze posto danas svaki plejer moze da kreira plejlistu, mozda je ovako lakse, brze...kako-kome. Prevucete folder u prozor, editujete redosled, sacuvate u jedno od dva ponudjena formata liste i to je sve
Playlist Creator 3.6.2
Readout of tags - Playlist Creator can read the tags of all of your media files and use the data for customizing the playlist.
High processing speed - Very high processing speed even with activated readout of tags, thanks to the support of the powerful open source library MediaInfo.
Drag and Drop - Add your music files with style by using drag and drop from Windows Explorer.
Recursive folder adding - Folders can be added recursively, i.e. the folder and all its subfolders. Enables you to add your entire music collection via a single drag and drop action.
Dynamic Titles - Define dynamic title variables in order to use tag data for customizing the playlist output.
Absolute / Relative - The playlist items can be saved absolute or relative to the save location of the playlist.
Many predefined file types - There are a lot of predefined file types which can instantly be added to the playlist.
Custom file types - If you think there is an important file type missing you can easily add it to the list of accepted file types.
PLS and M3U playlists - For compatibility with a wide variety of hardware and software Playlist Creator can create playlists both in PLS- and M3U-format.
Open or insert playlists - Open existing playlist files to modify them or insert playlist files into your current playlist.
Shuffle playlist - If you like variation the playlist can be shuffled with a simple click.
postoji u instalacionoj verziji i portable verziji(zip arhiva)