Version 2 Features
Please Note: Programmer’s Notepad 2 currently does not have a hex editor built in.
…jump to version 1…
* Bookmarks (both numbered and plain)
* Code Folding/Outlining
* Docking tool windows - much better than those in version 1
* Excellent external tool support with user-configurable
output matching - click on errors and warnings to jump right to
the place in the file where they were generated
* Export to HTML (using CSS) and RTF
* File association manager
* In-file method/definition navigation (using Ctags)
* No limit on file size (although large files may take a while
to load)
* Non fixed-width font support
* Projects and Project Groups with multi-level folders and
file system mirroring
* Quick Search toolbar with links to Google and Google Groups
* Regular expression search and replace
* Support for unicode files
* Support for windows, unix and macintosh file formats
* Syntax highlighting for many languages through “schemes”.
* Tabbed MDI interface
* Text Clips
* Unlimited number of schemes supported, powerful syntax
highlighting supporting both user-defined and built-in schemes
* User-defined schemes (XML)
* Word-wrapping