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Izašla je verzija 2.0 ovog programa nekoliko novina..
Version 2.0 (2015.03.03)..
-Major UI improvements (improved font, new info field, no separate progress dialog, etc.)
-Add support for Windows To Go (when Rufus is running on Windows 8 or later)
-Add support for Grub4DOS and GRUB 2 based images (e.g. FreeNAS)
-Add portable application support, through a 'rufus.ini' file
-Add native decompression support for DD images (.Z, .gz, .lzma, .bz2 and .xz)
-Add seamless UEFI boot of NTFS partitions, for Windows ISOs with large files (>4GB)
-Add support for Windows multipart 'install.swm'
-Add support for non Microsoft VHD drivers
-Add Norwegian translation, courtesy of JED
-Fix a crash on image selection when no device is present
-Fix broken VHD support on non-English version of Windows
-Fix write error for DD images that are not a multiple of the sector size
-Fix broken Unicode support
-Update embedded Syslinux to 6.03
-Other improvements and fixes
-Update Windows version listing for Windows 10
Download: https://rufus.akeo.ie/