Screen Capturer
Jedan od novijih besplatnih programa za slikanje i snimanje radne porvsine ili Desktop-a.
Izgled mu je odlican i izuzetno je jednostavan za upotrebu.
Memorisanje slika je moguce u vise razlicitih popularnih formata dok se izlazni video moze dobiti u WMV ili AVI formatu.
Poseduje jos niz drugih mogucnosti i opcija kao sto je podesavanje delova i velicine uslikane ili snimljene radne povrsine,slanje fajlova na e-mail ili stamac i jos mnogo toga.
Nakon instalacije programa moracete ostaviti svoju e-mail adresu da bi dobili besplatni licencni kljuc.
Glavne Karakteristike:
· Capture screenshots
· Capture animations (screencasts)
· Capture full screen
· Capture active or selected window
· Capture selected area of the screen
· Capture screenshots to clipboard, image file, e-mail or printer
· Screenshot image files can be saved in such popular formats as .png, .gif, .jpg, .bmp and .tiff.
· Capture screencast animations to highly compressed video files (WMV), with an option to instantly attach them to e-mail
· Capture screencast animations with sound
· Support for multiple monitors
· Creates new email with captured image attached
· Allows pasting captured images directly into email body
· Easily and instantly accessible via [PrtScr] button
· Pleasant and modern interface