Screen Mate Builder 1.2
Screen Mate Builder je program koji vam omogucava da pravite male "drugare" da ih tako nazovem...oni su animirani i krecu se po vasem desktopu...mozete im dotati i zvucne efekte, muziku...
Screen Mate Builder allows you to create an compile small screen mates - little animated graphics that move around on top of your default desktop wallpaper or background. They can include optional background music and even sound effects. You can choose from several pre-defined paths that the screen mates will take, have them bounce of the edges, follow your mouse and more. The program includes a variety of animations, background sounds and sound effects to get you started, but you can also get creative and add your own files. Screen Mate Builder merges all your .gif images, .wav and .mid sounds into a compact, single-filed screen mate program, that can be easily distributed.
Licence: Shareware