SoftMaker FreeOffice

SoftMaker FreeOffice

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SoftMaker FreeOffice 2012 rev 675

FreeOffice je besplatna verzija SoftMaker Office paketa. Sadrzi:

· FreeOffice TextMaker is more than just Word-compatible: It is not only great at document creation, but also at adding great-looking layouts.
· The FreeOffice PlanMaker spreadsheet is not only Excel-compatible, but convinces with ease-of-use, speed, and presentation-quality charts.
· And FreeOffice Presentations presents itself as a capable, easy to use alternative to Microsoft PowerPoint.

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Za detaljne informacije o mogucnostima, kao i o dodatnim mogucnostima u komercijalnim Standard i Professional edicijama, pogledati


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  • bocke  Male
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  • Pridružio: 16 Dec 2005
  • Poruke: 12534
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Razlika između FreeOffice i SoftMaker Office Standard/Professional

Citat:SoftMaker FreeOffice is a free version of SoftMaker Office. The key differences are listed below.

SoftMaker Office Standard 2012 for Windows

SoftMaker Office Standard 2012 is packed with numerous extra features. Here are just a few:

Spell checking using high-quality commercial dictionaries in 20 languages
Synonym dictionaries (thesaurus function) in eight languages
FreeOffice reads the modern Microsoft formats DOCX, XLSX, and PPTX seamlessly – SoftMaker Office can also save in these formats
Seamless import and export of the latest Microsoft formats DOCX, XLSX, and PPTX
Documents are displayed in tabs, just like in a web browser
The extended sidebar gives you a bird's eye view over your document and its stylesheets
Free technical support by SoftMaker
Additional features such as a style manager, envelope and label printing, macros, mailmerge, cross references, and figure captions

SoftMaker Office Professional 2012 for Windows

SoftMaker Office Professional expands upon the features of the standard edition by adding:

SoftMaker eM Client Professional, a full-functioned replacement for Microsoft Outlook for competent management of e-mail messages, contacts, tasks, and appointments
Four Berlitz dictionaries for translations from/to English, German, French, Italian, and Spanish


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