Poslao: 17 Sep 2008 16:45
- diarno
- Anti Malware Fighter
Rank 2
- Pridružio: 15 Jun 2007
- Poruke: 5572
WinPatrol 2008
WinPatrol je vise nego koristan program za monitoring I prevenciju instaliranja nezeljenih programa,ali takodje I za manipulaciju legalnih programa.
Sam GUI je vrlo pregledan I odlicno osmisljen, tako da se I potpuni amateri mogu snaci I lako rukovati sa ovim opcijama….
Lakoca koriscenja se ogleda u preglednosti svih opcija po tabovima:
U prvom prozoru pod tabom Start up programs su izlistane sve aplikacije koje se podizu sa sistemom.Takodje postoji I opcija prikazivanja I sakrivenih fajlova koji se dizu sa sistemom[ova opcija je dostupna samo u Plus verziji] I samim tim mozete proveriti da li se mozda neki nelegitimni rootkitovani[sakriven] fajl koji nije Winodowsov esencijalni fajl ne dize sa sistemom.
Takodje ukoliko zelite da se neki program podize kasnije idite desni klik na taj program u start-up sekciji I izaberite Move to delayed start up list.
Takodje po zelji, mozete startovane aplikacije ugasiti ili potpuno ukloniti..Za Plus korisnike postoji mogucnost pristupa ogromnoj bazi podataka na sajtu, ukoliko zelite vise informacija o odredjenoj start up aplikaciji.
Drugi prozor pruza informacije o aplikacijama sa odlozenim startom.
Ono sto je novo u WinPatrol 2008 jeste tab pod nazivom ActiveX koji pruza uvid u ActiveX objekte…. Da biste imali laksi pregled ovih objekata ukljucite opciju List non-Microsoft controls only.
Sledeca opcija pod nazivom IE Helpers pruza uvid u extenmzije I pomocne objekte koji sluze kao dopuna Internet Exploreru…
Posto malware ima obicaj da se ugradjuje u IE, na ovaj nacin mozete proveritit koji sve objekte imate I ako vam je neki sumnjiv- Use Google.
Scheduled Tasks odeljak pruža uvid i istovremeno omogućava uklanjanje svih zakazanih radnji pomoću istoimene Windows opcije. Takodje postoji malware koji koristi ovu windowsovu opciju,pa ako vam je neki zadatak sumnjiv,pogledajte putanju fajla koji je zadao taj job I ako google kaze da je los znate sta ciniti.
Pod Tabom Services su izlistani svi registrovani servisi koji su trenutno pokrenuti (ili samo postoje) u Win-u. Pored standardne info mogućnosti, možete menjati funkcije servisa i stopirati ih, ali ukoliko niste sigurni šta tačno predstavlja svaka od njih, ne preporučuje se njihovo modifikovanje zbog kasnijih neželjenih posledica.
Takodje postoji opcija list non-Microsoft services radi lakse kontrole istih[posto free verzija ne vrsi real-time monitoring]
Pod tabom ActiveTasks su izlistani procesi koji su aktivni i Scotty nudi mogućnost njihovog gasenja.
O vrstama ekstenzija nešto više možete saznati u pod tabom File Types.
Sledeći tab su Cookies. Ovde se mogu naći svi „kolačići” koji su dospeli sa Neta i mogu se ukloniti odmah.Takodje imate mogucnost pregleda IE-ovih ili pak FF-ovih kolacica.Bitna opcija ovde je Cookie Filter, gde se u listu dodaju cookies sa određenim nazivom ili nekim delom u nazivu i koji tako postaju filtrirani i blokirani pri svakom narednom posecivanju Neta.
Pod tabom Hidden Files se nalaze fajlovi koje je sam Sistem sakrio…
Ne bi bilo lose ukoliko naidjete na sumnjiv fajl da prelistate Google.
I na kraju pod Options imate nekoliko korisnih opcija
View Hosts file
Hijack log
WinPatrol Log….itd.
Ovo programce je must have…. I plus verzija vredi svakog dinara jer omogucava real time monitoring svih sistemskih I vitalnih funkcija sistema,koje su inace prve na udaru Malicioznih programa.
Ufff dosta pisanija,evo i linkova:
Download: http://www.winpatrol.com/wpsetup.exe
Razlike izmedju Free i Plus verzije: http://www.winpatrol.com/whyplus.html?download
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 20 Nov 2010 15:24
- Rogi
- Mod u pemziji
- Najbolji košarkaš koji
- je ikada igrao ovu igru
- Pridružio: 31 Avg 2005
- Poruke: 11687
Napisano: 13 Nov 2010 21:32
WinPatrol 19.3.2010.1
- Fixed problem finding the cookie folder on Windows XP systems Prevent main interface from opening on startup when not requested
Download: http://www.winpatrol.com/
Dopuna: 20 Nov 2010 15:24
WinPatrol 19.3.2010.5
- Fixed issue on 64 machines that opened the main WinPatrol interface(and UAC) on reboot
Download: http://www.winpatrol.com/wpsetup.exe
Poslao: 15 Feb 2011 12:21
- benne
- Elitni građanin
- Pridružio: 14 Okt 2010
- Poruke: 2272
- Gde živiš: From Bissau to Palau
WinPatrol 20.0.2011.0
* Active Task
You'll notice more information available on our list of Active Tasks. Sorting on the module ID you’ll be able to see which DLL files are used by running tasks. You'll find two new columns and on newer versions of Windows with additional information. Over the years this has been a popular request and we will continue to add information which is useful to all users. Active Tasks is usually the first place you'll check to remove any unwanted programs from reappearing so the more information the better.
* ZeroDay Alerts
WinPatrol 2011 responds far better to repeating alerts from unknown sources. These infiltrations can happen to anyone just having a vulnerable application on their computer. Files which are repeating alerts are also tracked to provide quicker creation of PLUS Info for new threats.
* Delayed Start
This new feature is proving to be very popular with new users. We fixed a bug on 64 bit systems when moving programs from the Startup Programs list to Delayed Start.
* Services
Display bug fixed when changing startup status. Fixed bug in 64 bit Windows when displaying non-Microsoft Services only.
* Activation
Corrected Internet error message when trying to activate PLUS features. We obviously want to make it as easy as possible to upgrade from the Free Edition to WinPatrol PLUS. We continue to make it a great deal even for folks short on cash and the future of WinPatrol really depends on continued support from our PLUS members.
Download: http://www.winpatrol.com/
Poslao: 16 Maj 2011 10:05
- benne
- Elitni građanin
- Pridružio: 14 Okt 2010
- Poruke: 2272
- Gde živiš: From Bissau to Palau
WinPatrol 20.5.2011.0
This version fixes a number of long time requests and resolves many of the quirks WinPatrol is forced to deal with on Windows 64-bit systems.
NEW with WinPatrol 20.5
Firefox Cookies
Firefox 4.0 uses an updated version of the SQLite database library which included features not supported by WinPatrol. We've updated our SQLite code to support Firefox 4.0 users.
Duplicate WinPatrols
Some 64-bit users reported duplicate WinPatrol entries in the startup programs list. This has been fixed. I've also updated the check box on the Options tab so you can initialization how WinPatrol is set to start.
Provided Cloud Privacy Option
While I'm satisfied with our implemenation of data collected when you keep or remove a program many of your friends using WinPatrol are obviously concerned about privacy. You may uncheck the option to share decisions. This may also reduce complaints by Firewall programs. Most firewall programs are happy as long as you let them know that WinPatrol.exe and WinPatrolEx.exe are safe. Even if you don't participate in sharing your choices, PLUS members will still have useful Cloud data available when checking PLUS Info.
X64 Run Duplicates
Reduced confusion when applications included their RUN registry in both the WOW64 key and legacy RUN key. Both entries will be displayed when "Display Secret Startup locations" is checked.
First Detected Sort
I finally fixed a long time bug in how Startup Programs are sorted. I apoligize that more date for formats are not supported at this time. I know this is important to friends outside the U.S. but security features have taken priority.
User Interface
Some fonts have been tweaked to make sure all information is available.
Digital Signiture
Updated Code Signing Digitial Signiture v3 now valid until June 2012
Poslao: 05 Jan 2013 01:09
- benne
- Elitni građanin
- Pridružio: 14 Okt 2010
- Poruke: 2272
- Gde živiš: From Bissau to Palau
WinPatrol 26.1.2013
· Bug fixed in the" First Detected" Date for Active Tasks
· Bug fixed when hidding the Scotty System Tray icon.
· New Option to "Run As Adminstrator" for any programs launched by WinPatrol in Delayed Start list.
· Added Minimize, Maximize buttons as requested by just about everyone for the last 15 years. While not typically used in tabbed windows popular demand encouraged the development of tricks to make it happen.
· Complete update of WinPatrol Help pages. Documentation is included locally and is available on each tab by clicking blue help icon. This feature has been considered essential for new and/or non-expert users. Each help file includes a link to any updated information including better ways to teach WinPatrol based on user feedback.
· On many machines Windows 8 boots so quickly there is no time to press F8 to open Safe Mode. A little known feature to Reboot to a Windows 8 Advanced Repair/Restore mode replaces Windows Safe Mode. This new feature is currently only available in WinPatrol PLUS. Just right-click on any file and select "Restart Windows for Repair in Safe Mode."
Poslao: 06 Mar 2013 09:54
- Rogi
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- Najbolji košarkaš koji
- je ikada igrao ovu igru
- Pridružio: 31 Avg 2005
- Poruke: 11687
WinPatrol 27.0.2013.0
* New
- Automatic Update Notification
- WinPatrol Crashing When Replying to Changes
Download: http://www.winpatrol.com/
Poslao: 09 Dec 2013 14:57
- Aco
- Moderator foruma
- Pridružio: 12 Maj 2006
- Poruke: 16823
- Gde živiš: /home/aco
Napisano: 16 Jul 2013 23:27
WinPatrol 28.5.2013.0
- Fixed dialog used to select current user or all users when launching a program.
- Fix to Delayed Start programs that don't properly launch
- Moved Repair and Reset Tools from PLUS to Options tab//screen.
- Enhanced removed of unwanted toolbars.
- Improvements to Community Shield based on other WinPatrol users.
Download: http://www.winpatrol.com/
Dopuna: 13 Avg 2013 12:15
WinPatrol 28.6.2013.0
- Our timing and text describing page changes has improved and now a Help button.
- Support for displaying a new Service type (Trigger Start) that is now supported by Windows 8.1.
- Fix bug when Removing programs from registry when they are disabled.
- Fixed error restoring Shortcut or .lnk files that were removed but available in history file
- Options & Reports menu text fixed
- Restart no lonnger required to enter Name and Code if they have been cleared by Reset and Repair screen
Download: http://www.winpatrol.com/
Dopuna: 21 Okt 2013 18:43
WinPatrol 29.0.2013.0
# Additions Enhancements and Bug Fixes
* Added New Features to Start, IE Helper and Service Alerts
- Added Properties information directly from Windows
- Added Open Folder launching Windows File Explorer to allow user direct access to new file.
- Added Exit Windows emergency exit in case new users are confused or had WinPatrol installed without their knowledge.
- Include Disable feture to new Startup Program alert message. This tells WinPatrol to keep track of this file and always remove it anytime it is put back into the startup list.
* Reduce font size for dialogs that display long path names.
* Confirm MS Shell Dlg font is used to support international system fonts
* Adjust fonts to provide better handling when resizing main interface
* Change default position of alert message to upper right corner to be less obstuctive
* Detect signature file updates without warning McAfee users every day.
* Confirm all types of changes are checked at the same time when any single change occurs.
* Allow suppression of multiple alerts during Real-time Infiltration Detection
Download: http://www.winpatrol.com/
Dopuna: 03 Dec 2013 10:19
WinPatrol 29.1.2013.0
* Artificial Intelligence Security
- This new feature will increase WinPatrol's value exponentially over time. It will also be accessible for our future apps like Task Catcher "Extreme" and other partners interested in licensing the technology. Unlike the Optional sharing of choices used on our Community Info pages, all A.I. Security data is kept private on your machine.
* Improvements
- Semi-Transparent Alert messages on Windows 8 make Scotty less intrusive.
- Manifest file updated to support presistant WinPatrol window size and positions when using alternate DPI settings.
- Improvements to our Active Task List and more success Killing of active tasks using multi-selection standards.
- Introduction of new triggers to increase performance by reducing redundant monitoring(PLUS Only)
- Improved performance of change detection on our free version.
- Improved screen UI and description when a change is detected for the Windows Update settings.
- The default setting for File Explorer integration is now disabled. It's been pointed out that a large number of programs taking advantage of the right-click context menu wthout asking. We also don't want to seem like we're nagging users to upgrade to WinPatrol PLUS.
Download: http://www.winpatrol.com/
Dopuna: 09 Dec 2013 14:57
WinPatrol 29.1.2013.1
# Fixes
* Fixed false warnings about changes to Windows AutoUpdate status
* Reduced warnings of daily Microsoft updates that created Uninstall warnings
Download: http://www.winpatrol.com/
Poslao: 24 Apr 2014 23:54
- Rogi
- Mod u pemziji
- Najbolji košarkaš koji
- je ikada igrao ovu igru
- Pridružio: 31 Avg 2005
- Poruke: 11687
WinPatrol 30.9.2014.0
* Tooltips
- This version now includes Windows tooltips to provide a consistent, helpful interface.
* Cookie Update for Chrome and Firefox
- Uses the same public domain code that is used by Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and other new browsers. This version includes a copy of the newest library which appears in the WinPatrol folder as sqlite3.dll. You may notice in the WinPatrol list of hidden files many files that begin with "elitls" followed by random characters. These are SQLite files as you may notice elitls is SQLite backwards.
* Window Positioning
- Updated some Window components that weren't completely visible on some machines with custom DPI.
Download: http://www.winpatrol.com/