

  • Pridružio: 20 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 4505
  • Gde živiš: planeta Zemlja

musikCube is an mp3 player for the modern generation. It helps you just listen to what you want to hear, while offering innovative features not seen elsewhere. For the technical user, musikCube is based on an embedded SQL database engine known as sqlite. For the non technical user, that means its fast. Really fast. "Dynamic playlists" allow fully automatic, randomized playback of songs based on your observed listening habits. The more you listen, the smarter it gets. It also features browsable, user reorderable playlists.
Cube also makes transferring audio between home and work very easy with it's unique support for removable storage devices. A "removable storage device" is any flash memory, thumb drive, or portable mp3 player that acts as a hard disk when you plug it in. Examples of this are demonstrated in the following screenshots:


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