Izabrati XP/Vista/7 BETA
Jedan razlog u zagradi zasto ste izabrali xp/vista/7 BETA
Svako ima jedno pravo glasa
Vista (zato sto ima najlepsi interface\lupam\)
izasao:25 Oktobar 2001
opis: Microsoft Windows XP je operativni sistem kojeg je razvio Majkrosoft. Prva verzija se pojavila u oktobru 2001. godine. Oznaka XP u nazivu odnosi se na englesku reč eXPerience koja znači iskustvo.
osnovne vezije:Windows XP Home edition
Windows XP Professional
izasao:30 January 2007
opis:Prema najavama proizvođača Windows Vista će doneti zaista dosta toga novog: novo grafičko okruženje po imenu Aero (eng. Aero), unapređenu tehnologiju za pretraživanje datoteka, pregršt novih sigurnosnih tehnologija i zaštitnih mehanizama, redizajnirane module za umrežavanje, prikaz grafike i reprodukciju zvuka, i još dosta toga.
Osnvne verzije:Windows Vista Starter
Windows Vista Home Basic
Windows Vista Home Premium
Windows Vista Business
Windows Vista Enterprise
Windows Vista Ultimate
izasao:9 januar 2009
Improved taskbar and full-screen previews
The taskbar at the bottom of your screen is what you use to switch between the applications you've got open. In Windows 7 you can set the order in which the icons appear and they'll stay put. They're easier to see, too. Click once on the new large icons or bigger preview thumbnails and you're ready to go. You can even see a full screen preview before switching to the window.
Jump Lists
With Windows 7, we focused on keeping the things you use most right in front of you. One example: The new Jump List feature. It's a handy way to quickly reach the files you've been working with. To see the files you've used recently, just right click on the icon on your taskbar. So right-clicking on the Word icon will show your most recent Word documents. Plus, if there are other files you want to keep handy, you can just pin them to the Jump List.
New ways to work with Windows
Windows 7 simplifies how you work with the windows on your desktop. You'll have more intuitive ways to open, close, resize, and arrange them. You can drag open windows to screen borders, so you'll no longer have to click on tiny objects in the corner of a window to make it do what you want.
Maximize a window by dragging its border to the top of the screen, and return the window to its original size by dragging it away from the top of the screen. Drag the bottom border of a window to expand it vertically.
It's easy to copy files or compare the contents of two windows by dragging the windows to opposite sides of the screen. As your cursor touches the edge, the window will resize to fill that half of the screen.
To see all your desktop gadgets, just drag your mouse to the lower right corner of your desktop. That'll make all the open Windows transparent—making your desktop, and the gadgets on it, immediately visible. Want to minimize all your windows? One click and it's done.