Backup licence za Windows i Office - Advanced Tokens Manager

Backup licence za Windows i Office - Advanced Tokens Manager

  • Fil  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Jun 2009
  • Poruke: 16586

Izgleda da je legalan alat. Ako nije,sklonicu temu.

Napomena: kompletan članak sam objavio ovde:
koga zanima i engleska verzija:


Citat:Advanced Tokens Manager is a safer application that helps you with the Windows and Office Activation Backup and Restore.
Microsoft imposes one limit of activations online and by phone for all licenses on your products.
This application is able to make the full backup of all activation data stored on the computer for a trusted restore without damage or modify the activation system.


৹ Activation restore success rate of 100% if the new product edition is the same from backup and the copy is clean installed.
৹ Preserve the Hardware ID Master Generation Key for sensitive license channels when it is activated by Phone.
৹ Use the same backup for restore the activation status infinitely on the same hardware.
৹ Do not take ownership of any activation file backup / restoring the file properties.
৹ Activate the product from x86 to x64 and vice versa when have the same edition.
৹ Install a fresh product windows copy with newer service packs and updates.
৹ Stores all activation details for a trusted activation restore.
৹ All product license activation channels are fully-supported.
৹ Check if the detected key match with the installed license.
৹ Backup integrity checker with CRC32 of all backed-up files.
৹ Check if the backup is valid for the product Edition.
৹ Force the restore reinstalling files from tokens.dat.
৹ Update your drivers without lost the activation.
৹ Refresh the drivers before the restore.
৹ Application log for activation restore.
৹ Static Product ID after activated.


Citat:৹ You must have the correct SLIC (Software Licensing Description Table) for OEM activations.
৹ Online and Phone activations will be instantly activated after restore.
৹ Do not have major changes on the hardware.
৹ Windows 8 and Office 2013 have the same activation system, so the backup is saved in one place called of
'Activation Backup', that stores all license data for Windows and Office.
৹ For the Windows 8 and Office 2010 or Windows 7 with the Office 2013 or 2010, the backup is made separately
called of 'Windows Activation Backup' and 'Office Activation Backup' respectively.
৹ Is needed to install the Windows and Office 2013 for restore their activation on a Windows 8 system.

* All backup data are stored on the root of the application in folders separately.
* Limited activations that have grace period is not supported. In other words, only permanent activations
is supported for Windows and Office.
* For Upgrade Activations, is needed the installation of a Retail copy of the Operating System. In other words,
you will get problems restoring an upgrade activation on a Volume License copy.
* If you have restarted the computer on the restore, the network adapters does not will work properly. You need
to activate your network on the Device Manager.
* Is advised the installation of the same drivers from the backup on the restore to avoid problems on the activation.

+ Ostalo

+ Changelog

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 10 Okt 2005
  • Poruke: 13526
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Nego, ne verujem da je ovde išta ilegalno, autor programa Josh Cell (Michel Oliveira) je Microsoftov partner.

  • Fil  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Jun 2009
  • Poruke: 16586

Napisano: 18 Jan 2014 11:20

Ja sam okacio screenshot sa svoje masine na kojoj imam legalan Windows 7
Primetio sam da moze da skonta da je nelegalan kljuc i tada backup nije moguc. To mi se desilo na jednoj masini piratu.

Dopuna: 21 Jan 2014 22:19

Jos jedan alat koji moze da pomogne nudeci prikaz serijskih brojeva na racunaru:

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