Ljudi moji ovo mi se nije desavalo,
Formatirao sam disk ( jednu particiju) instalirao XP sp2, digao drajvere, i sa druge particije poceo instalaciju programa (kao milion puta do sada), kad ...
pojavljuje se prozor >
NSIS error
The instaler you are traying to use is corrupted or incomplete. This could be the result of a damaged disk, a failed download or a virus.
You may want to contact the autor of this installer to obtain a new copy.
It may be possible to skip this chek using the /NCRC command line switch ( NOT RECOMMENDED). <
To se desava sa Kaspersky antivirusom, mv2 playerom, BS playerom, winamp-om, dok sam instalirao ACDsee 8.0, Acrobat reader, MS Office....
O cemu se ovde radi i kako da resim problem, da li ima neko ideju ili zna konkretan nacin