Problem sa AC97 zvukom

Problem sa AC97 zvukom

  • Pridružio: 27 Apr 2005
  • Poruke: 170

Intel P4 na 1.7 Ghz na MSI 845 Ultra-C (MS-6566) ploči.
Win XP pro SP1
Drajveri su Realtek 3.52, 3.62 kao i Alc 5.6 ( piše da su to 4.85 drajveri )
Instalacija navedenih drajvera ( probao sam sve ) prolazi bez problema, međutim posle restarta ne čuju se zvuci, pri izboru Volume Controla otvara se prozor sa porukom da
"There no active mixer devices available"
i kaže da idem na Add Hardware i instaliram mixer devices.
Međutim u System devices postoje sve stavke u Sound, video and game controllers, pa ne može da se instalira ništa novo, pa ni mixer device.
Kada uninstaliram MPU-401 Compatible MIDI device, Realtek AC97 Audio, Standard game port i Unimodem Half-duplex Audio device i uradim Scan for hardware changes, tada se instaliraju ponovo isti uređaji ali sada mogu da izaberem Volume Control, ali zvuka nema ( to kaže i test iz Voice taba - "Your system cannot play sounds" )
Šta da se radi ( reinstalacija Windowsa ne dolazi u obzir ) ?

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 05 Jul 2006
  • Poruke: 6

Ja sam isto imao problem s tim i ewo kako sam resio:
1. Insert the Windows XP CD-ROM into your computer's CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive. Press and hold down the SHIFT key as you insert the CD-ROM to prevent it from starting automatically.
2. Click Start, and then click Run.
3. In the Open box, type cmd, and then click OK.
4. Type the following lines at the command prompt, pressing ENTER after each line, where CD-ROM drive is the drive letter of the computer's CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive that contains the Windows XP CD-ROM, and system_root is the path and folder name where the Windows system files are located (generally C:\Windows):
CD-ROM drive:
cd i386
expand sndvol32.ex_ system_root\system32\sndvol32.exe

Note that there is a space between "ex_" and "system_root" in this command.

For example, if your computer's CD-ROM drive is drive E, and the folder that contains the Windows system files is C:\Windows, type the following lines at the command prompt (pressing ENTER after each line):
cd i386
expand sndvol32.ex_ c:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe
5. Type exit to quit the command prompt.
6. Verify that you can start Volume Control and that the Volume icon is displayed in the notification area (if you selected this option).

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