Pa kada udjes u Rescue konzolu pritiskom na R u jednom od koraka instalacije, mozes da pokrenes ove komande.
Fixmbr bi trebala da ponovo upise MBR sektror ukoliko ga je pregazio neki drugi bootloader, recimo LILO ili GRUB (Linux bootloaderi).
Repairs the master boot record of the boot disk. The fixmbr command is only available when you are using the Recovery Console
fixmbr [device_name]
The device (drive) on which you want to write a new master boot record. The name can be obtained from the output of the map command. An example of a device name is:
The following example writes a new master boot record to the device specified:
fixmbr \Device\HardDisk0
If you do not specify a device_name, a new master boot record will be written to the boot device, which is the drive on which your primary system is loaded.
If an invalid or nonstandard partition table signature is detected, you will be prompted whether you want to continue. If you are not having problems accessing your drives, you should not continue. Writing a new master boot record to your system partition could damage your partition tables and cause your partitions to become inaccessible.
Writes a new partition boot sector to the system partition. The fixboot command is only available when you are using the Recovery Console
fixboot [drive]
The drive to which a boot sector will be written. This replaces the default drive, which is the system partition you are logged on to. An example of a drive is:
The following example writes a new partition boot sector to the system partition in drive D:
fixboot d:
note Note
* Using the fixboot command without any parameters will write a new partition boot sector to the system partition you are logged on to.
Pored ovoga, trebaju ti i sledeci fajlovi da su u rootu HD-a:
- boot.ini
- ntldr
- ntdetect
Moze da se desi da ih imas i od Win 2000, ali oni ne mogu da startuju XP. Ti fajlovi treba da su od onog sistema koji je noviji.
Cak i ako instaliras XP ili Win2k na drugoj particiji, ovi fajlovi ce uvek biti upisani na C particiju. Zadnji OS koji instaliras ce da pregazi prethodno instalirani. Trebali su ti ovi fajlovi da su od XP-a da bi sve funkcionisalo.
Boot.ini je tekstualni fajl i oko njegovog editovanja je vec bilo reci.