Windows 8.1 problem sa igricama


Windows 8.1 problem sa igricama

  • Pridružio: 16 Okt 2013
  • Poruke: 251

Koju god da igricu pokrenem (noviju) stalno psie da fale dll fajlovi,tipa: MSVCR100.dll MSVCP100.dll ...
Skinem te fajlove ubacim u FIFA 14 folder i onda mi pise : "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b).Click ok to close application.
Kod svake igrice tako..

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • m4rk0  Male
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  • Marko Vasić
  • Gladijator - Maximus Decimus Meridius
  • Pridružio: 14 Jan 2005
  • Poruke: 15766
  • Gde živiš: Majur (Colosseum)

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Instaliraj ovo.

  • Pridružio: 16 Okt 2013
  • Poruke: 251

Opet isto pokazuje..

  • higuy  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
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  • crni hronicar
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Napisano: 28 Jul 2014 18:27

Dopuna: 28 Jul 2014 18:28

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  • Pridružio: 16 Okt 2013
  • Poruke: 251

Meni pokazuje drukciju gresku ne takvu.
Kod mene je ovako (0xc000007b)

  • Pridružio: 26 Sep 2012
  • Poruke: 1869
  • Gde živiš: Ček' da vidim...

Probaj sa windows update-om.

  • Huskar
  • Pridružio: 31 Maj 2008
  • Poruke: 885

Windows 8 ima neke probleme sto se tice igara. Kompatibilnost je jedna od tih, vecina igara je i predvidjena za win8, ali i dalje ima igara koje ne mogu. Jesi siguran da si dobro sistem podigao? Ako nije legalan windows, moze i to da igra ulogu, pogotovo kod win8(8.1), ali ne toliko da ne mozes nijednu igru.
Probaj pes2013, ja sam to igrao lagano na win 8.1...

Jesi probao kod kompatibilnosti da odaberes win 7?(U properties-compatibility)? Ili troubleshooter compatibility da probas kada ides desni klik, ako se secam i win 8.1 ima tu opciju...

Probao si mozda da otvoris igru kao administrator? Nekad i to zna da zeza....

Sto se tice dll, jel koristis 64 bitni ili 32 bitni windows?

Ako koristis 64 bitni, skini ove dll i ubaci ih tu gde treba da stoje, ali 64bitne download, ne 32 bitne.


  • Pridružio: 26 Avg 2010
  • Poruke: 10622
  • Gde živiš: Hypnos Control Room, Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building

Ne mora da MFC DLL fajlove skida i da ih ručno ubacuje. Sve što mu treba nalazi se ovdje:
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  • Pridružio: 16 Okt 2013
  • Poruke: 251

Napisano: 29 Jul 2014 0:07

boki199777 ::Probaj sa windows update-om.
Pokusao sam,sve sto je bilo u updateu je instalirano.

Dopuna: 29 Jul 2014 0:08

tomislav91 ::Windows 8 ima neke probleme sto se tice igara. Kompatibilnost je jedna od tih, vecina igara je i predvidjena za win8, ali i dalje ima igara koje ne mogu. Jesi siguran da si dobro sistem podigao? Ako nije legalan windows, moze i to da igra ulogu, pogotovo kod win8(8.1), ali ne toliko da ne mozes nijednu igru.
Probaj pes2013, ja sam to igrao lagano na win 8.1...

Jesi probao kod kompatibilnosti da odaberes win 7?(U properties-compatibility)? Ili troubleshooter compatibility da probas kada ides desni klik, ako se secam i win 8.1 ima tu opciju...

Probao si mozda da otvoris igru kao administrator? Nekad i to zna da zeza....

Sto se tice dll, jel koristis 64 bitni ili 32 bitni windows?

Ako koristis 64 bitni, skini ove dll i ubaci ih tu gde treba da stoje, ali 64bitne download, ne 32 bitne.


Pokusavao sam da namestim Windows 7 u propertiesu i uvek isto.

Dopuna: 29 Jul 2014 0:10

I javlja mi se novi problem,posto mi je omiljena igrica Tropico 5,sada na Windows 8.1 izbacuje problem da mi graficka ne podrzava DX11 (ne podrzava mi graficka),a dok je na Windows 7 radilo kako treba.
Rade mi samo neke starije igrice tipa : Battle for Middle earth i tako to godiste,novije nikako.

  • Huskar
  • Pridružio: 31 Maj 2008
  • Poruke: 885

PC: Before submitting posts here you might want to do some self debugging including these steps:

1. Make sure that your system meets the minimum system requirements (test).
2. Update your OS, your video drivers and the DirectX library. Make sure that the game itself is also up-to-date.
3. Turn off all overclocking and system monitoring stuff. Also stop all game related software providing media sharing, matchmaking, VoIP, VPN and other similar services interfering directly with the game.
4. Check your hard disks for errors.
5. Suspend all auto updates and other background processes that could take the focus from the game.
6. Check that your installation is not corrupted, if possible. Alternatively reinstall the game.
7. Run a memory test program, if available. Win7 has a built-in memory test that can be found in Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Administrative Tools\Windows Memory Diagnostic. A 32-bit version of the same program can be downloaded from here: Windows Memory Diagnostic.
8. Verify that you aren't using any MODs (additional code, not provided by the developer, modifying the original game).
9. Add the game's installation folder in the ignore list of your anti virus program.

Steam: Disable the Steam Community In-Game overlay
Nvidia graphics: Uninstall the Stereoscopic 3D drivers
Laptops: Your CPU and video card have the tendency to reduce performance (underclock) when the temperature is elevated beyond a given threshold, which could bring your system below the minimum system requirements. Do not turn off this feature though, it's there to protect your system against hardware damage.
AMD with Radeon graphics: Install the latest bios update provided by your system's manufacturer.
PC: The game cannot be the direct cause of system failures like reboots or blue screens. Such problems are usually caused by hardware malfunction.

In case that the game continues to crash, go and find the game log files in %appdata%\tropico 4 (or %appdata%\tropico 4 gold for those of you owning the gold edition). When a crash situation is handled successfully by the game, a crash dump file is created (*.dmp), along with another more detailed log file (*.crash). Your post have to include the detailed log or the normal log, if the first is missing. If the detailed crash log is too long to fit in the post (and if ONLY), please make sure that you've included the begining of the file until the build version (included, it's important), several lines of text before the string "Exception Information" (these lines probably contain information about the crash reason, so don't be a scrooge) and all the text after it. The dump file (*.dmp) is the crash situation itself. It's not a text file and cannot be posted here. If possible, find a way to provide a link to it, as it could provide additional information about the problem. Finally, when explaining the crash problem, please be more detailed. Information of particular interest is how to reproduce the crash. Therefore a savegame just before the crash would be of great help.

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