[Word 2007] Numerisanje strana


[Word 2007] Numerisanje strana

  • Pridružio: 25 Okt 2006
  • Poruke: 276

Koristim Word 2007 i nikako ne mogu da napravim da mi numeracija pocne od npr. trece strane ali da broji od pocetka (od broja 1). Znaci treca strana je broj 1, cetvrta broj 2..itd.
Moze li mi neko ovo pokazati/objasniti?

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 04 Sep 2003
  • Poruke: 24135
  • Gde živiš: Wien

Sve mi se cini da je neko ovo pitao pre jedno dve nedelje i da vec ima diskusija u toj temi.

  • Pridružio: 25 Okt 2006
  • Poruke: 276

Sorry, nisam vidio. Mozes li mi okaciti link, ne mogu da ga nadjem...

  • Pridružio: 04 Sep 2003
  • Poruke: 24135
  • Gde živiš: Wien

Probah, ali ni ja ne mogu da nadjem.
Tako ti je to kada ljudi saju dobre naslove temama...

Javljam ukoliko nadjem.

  • Pridružio: 25 Okt 2006
  • Poruke: 276

Na ovoj temi je to neko pitao, ali za Word 2003. Cova je postavio u slikama sta i meni treba, samo za 2007.


Vidi sta sam ja nasao, ali brate da me ubijes nemogu da se snadjem....nikako da mi uspije.

Page numbers beginning after the first page

To begin page numbering anywhere after the first page, follow these steps:

1. Determine whether you want your page numbering to appear at the top of the document (header) or at the bottom (footer), and whether you want it aligned to the left, right, or center.

2. Determine where you want your page numbering to begin (e.g., page 4), and place your cursor at the end of the preceding page (e.g., page 3).

3. In Word 2007, from the Page Layout tab, select Breaks from the "Page Setup" group. Then, from the drop-down menu, select Continuous.

In other versions of Word for Windows or Word 98 for Mac OS, from the Insert menu, select Break... . Under "Section break types", select Continuous, and click OK.

In Word 2001 for Mac OS or Word v.X or 2004 for Mac OS X, from the Insert menu, select Break and then Section Break (Continuous).
4. In Word 2007, from the View tab, select Print Layout in the "Document Views" group.

In all other versions, place your cursor on the next page, and from the View menu, select Header and Footer. The Header and Footer toolbar should appear with several icons.
5. If you decided the page numbers should appear at the top of the page, make sure you are in the header. If you want the page numbering at the bottom, switch into the footer. There is a "Switch Between Header and Footer" button that makes it easy to toggle back and forth between header and footer.

Note: In Windows versions except Word 2007, this is the third icon from the left of the Close button. In Mac OS or Mac OS X, it is the fourth button from the Close button. Holding the mouse pointer over the icon for a couple of seconds will display "Switch Between Header and Footer".

In Word 2007, this option is located under the Design tab in the "Navigation" group.
6. Once you are in the header (for top page numbering) or in the footer (for bottom page numbering), find the "Same as Previous" or "Link to Previous" button on the toolbar (or Ribbon in Word 2007). It will have a slightly different look from the other buttons because it is already enabled. (Again, you can hold the mouse pointer over the icon to see the icon's name.)

7. Click the Same as Previous or Link to Previous button to disable it. This separates the section's headers or footers from those above. In all versions except Word 2007, close the Header and Footer toolbar.

8. In Word 2007, from the Insert tab, select Page Number in the "Header & Footer" group. Then choose your preferred position and alignment for the page numbers.

In all other versions, from the Insert menu, select Page Numbers... , and choose your preferred position and alignment for the page numbers. Make sure to leave Show number on first page checked.
9. In Word 2007, click and hold Page Number in the "Header & Footer" group.

In all other versions, click Format... , and in the "Page numbering" section, click Start at: .
10. In all versions of Word except Word v.X and 2004 for Mac OS X and Word 2003 for Windows, select the number that comes just before your desired starting number. In other words, if you want the page numbering to begin at 1, select 0, or if you want the first page number to be page 6, select 5.

In Word v.X and 2004 for Mac OS X, and Word 2003 and 2007 for Windows, select the exact number you want to be your starting number. These versions of Word interpret the section break differently from other versions.
11. Click OK until you return to the document.

With this last method, you should have no page numbering before your selected point. You can add page numbers to the first portion later without harming your custom numbering. Also, to restart or customize your page numbering at a later section of the document, follow the same instructions.

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2007
  • Poruke: 123
  • Gde živiš: Sarajevo

a da probas ovdje ;-)

  • Pridružio: 25 Okt 2006
  • Poruke: 276

Probam pa javim...hvala

  • Pridružio: 15 Feb 2007
  • Poruke: 443

Pa to je barem lako u Wordu 2007, pazi sad:

Kad pokreneš numerisanje ideš na ovu stavku

pa kad ti otvori prozorče samo u donjem delu (gde je moj kursor) upiši od kojeg broja hoćeš da počne.

Nadam se da sam te razumeo i da ovo hoćeš, kao i da ti problen neće praviti što je moj Office na srpskom! Very Happy

Dopuna: 25 Nov 2007 21:12

Uff..... moja greška.
Koliko je meni poznato postoji mogućnost da se prva strana ne broji tj. da druga bude broj 1, ali za ovo ostalo nisam siguran, tj. da npr. četvrta bude broj 1.

Ako ti trebaju dve ili tri prazne stranice, zašto njih jednostavno ne odradiš u drugom prozoru, pa lepo odštampaš i eto?!

  • Pridružio: 04 Sep 2003
  • Poruke: 24135
  • Gde živiš: Wien

Evil Ghost ::Ako ti trebaju dve ili tri prazne stranice, zašto njih jednostavno ne odradiš u drugom prozoru, pa lepo odštampaš i eto?!

Nije to resenje. Kako od toga napraviti PDF posle? Spajati dva PDFa?

  • Pridružio: 15 Feb 2007
  • Poruke: 443

OK, ne znam za čega mu treba, ali ja za sad ne znam da može da se preskoči 3 pa da počne brojanje od četvrte.

Dopuna: 25 Nov 2007 22:34


Evo rešenjaaaaaaa........................!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Odradiš prvu stranu,
odradiš drugu stranu,
odradiš treću stranu.........

E sad.....
Staviš kursor na kraj treće strane (iza zadnjeg slova, znaka).........
Zatim ideš na "Raspored na stranici", pa Prelomi, pa Sledeća stranica..... (slika dole):

Zatim na "Umetni", pa Podnožje (ili Zaglavlje u zavisnosti gde se stavlja broj stranice), pa Uredi podnožje (ili Zaglavlje) stranice (slika dole):

Kad klikneš dobiješ ovo:

Obrati pažnu na "Isto kao prethodni" (na slici gore), to treba isključiti, evo i kako, potrebno je kliknuti na gumb sa dolnje slike:

Još samo ostaje da odeš na "Umetni", pa Broj stranice i skoro je gotovo. Word počine da broji od u našem slučaju četvrte stranice, ali sa brojem 4. Ostaje još samo da se odradi "Oblikuj brojeve stranica", a to radimo ovako:

Kad pokreneš numerisanje ideš na ovu stavku

pa kad ti otvori prozorče samo u donjem delu (gde je moj kursor) upiši broj 1 i to bi bilo sve!

Ubeđen sam da je to rešenje problema i da se može sad ne ometano praviti PDF! Very Happy

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