Poslao: 05 Apr 2007 22:14
- Pridružio: 30 Sep 2006
- Poruke: 137
kupio sam sweex-lw050 ap/ruter.Pise da radi i kao access point i kao ruter.Sada imam jedan problem.Nemogu ga podesim za da mogu naci neke postoecke wireless mreza.
Drugi problem.Citao sam da ap/ruter moze da emitue zraka.Je li to tocno?
Moj prijatel ima ist tip na ap/ruter.E sada, mogu li nekako ja i moj prijatel se konektirati?
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 05 Apr 2007 22:19
- Leggy
- The King
- Pridružio: 18 Dec 2003
- Poruke: 7953
- Gde živiš: Graceland
Moguce je da nemas domet do postojecih mreza, ili da one kriju svoj SSID.
Ako kriju, moras da saznas kako se zovu.
AP zaista zraci, ali zraci i tvoj mobilni telefon itd... Opusteno.
Da bi se konektovali ti i tvoj prijatelj, mora da postoje sledeci uslovi:
- APovi podrzavaju tzv. bridge mode
- imate opticku vidjlivost (mozes opticki da se vide APovi)
- imate dovoljno jake antene.
Poslao: 05 Apr 2007 22:22
- Peca
- Glavni Administrator
- Predrag Damnjanović
- SysAdmin i programer
- Pridružio: 17 Apr 2003
- Poruke: 23211
- Gde živiš: Niš
mozda si antenu postavio u pogresnoj polarizaciji?
obrni je za 90 stepeni, pa probaj.
Poslao: 05 Apr 2007 22:46
- Pridružio: 30 Sep 2006
- Poruke: 137
leggy, vtoroj i tretoj opciju su OK, Ali za prvoj opciju nisam te razumeo.
Hoces mi reci, za da mogu ja traziti wireless konekcije,treba mi AP podrzavati bridge mode.E sada kako mogu doznati, dali moj ap podrzava bridge mode?
mogu li odgovoriti sta prije....fala
my serbian is not very good and i mixed it with croating, sry for that.
Another question: If i bridge a wireless router and a wireless card, can i use this as a wireless router bridge and search aviable wireless networks?
Poslao: 06 Apr 2007 12:18
- Soulsack
- Građanin
- Pridružio: 21 Jul 2005
- Poruke: 231
- Gde živiš: vojvodina
RutiX ::
Another question: If i bridge a wireless router and a wireless card, can i use this as a wireless router bridge and search aviable wireless networks?
Kratko i jasno nop..
Poslao: 06 Apr 2007 18:34
- Pridružio: 30 Sep 2006
- Poruke: 137
So what can i do with two AP's/routers.
Should i replace one AP with AP that support bridge?
I asked why i need bridge and nobody answer me. Any help about that?
Poslao: 06 Apr 2007 19:04
- Soulsack
- Građanin
- Pridružio: 21 Jul 2005
- Poruke: 231
- Gde živiš: vojvodina
znaci taj mnodel wireless routera moze da radi samo kao Predajnik iliti ap/bridge
a ne kao klient...
znaci ovom modelu jedini gateway je wan port,
tuda sve izlazi bilo nakacen preko kabla ili wirelesa.
bas zbog toga nemoze da skenira niti da se kaci na drugi AP,
nego drugi se kace na njega.
ako zeliz da imas opciju wireles klienta googluj za novi firmware.
nekim ruterima nov firmware donese i tu opciju,
ali u tom slucaju gube funkciju rutera i radi kao najobicniji AP klient
nadam se da sam dobro razumeo tvoje pitanje
i da sam ti makar malo pomogao pozz
Poslao: 06 Apr 2007 21:28
- Pridružio: 30 Sep 2006
- Poruke: 137
Yes you understand me very good, and yes you helped me, now some things are clear in my head
Here is the hole story,so you can understand me better.
I live in a building on the fifth flor. I have the same AP/router connected with 18db semi-directional antenna. The range of that antenna is 2 to 3 km on sight.This computer will be the server with internet connection
So now, the other client-computer is about 1 km on airsight and we can see each other.
Now there is two questions.
1.You said that i cant connect two AP/routers and make a network.On one of the "google pictures" about wireless network i saw two AP bridges connected.And those AP birdges on the both sides are connected computers , laptops .....
What you will say if i replace the AP for the client-computer with AP-Bridge.Now the client will have the AP-bridge, can he search for aviable wireless networks?
IF this dont work, here si the second option
2.What should i buy for the client-computer so i can connect this two computers.? Wireless Card is out of option.
If you dont understand me nothing, tell me what should i buy to connect two computers that are on 1km range->dalecina
Poslao: 07 Apr 2007 08:36
- Soulsack
- Građanin
- Pridružio: 21 Jul 2005
- Poruke: 231
- Gde živiš: vojvodina
Znaci jedan od kopjutera izlazi na net KAKO i preko cega??
i preko njega bi trebalo da izlazi na net onaj drugi koji je udaljen 1km jekl tako ?
pp my
Poslao: 07 Apr 2007 12:55
- Pridružio: 30 Sep 2006
- Poruke: 137
hey, i dont know if the pp was sent. however here my msn guroski@hotmail.com . i will delete this when you add me
Why i cant send pp? when someone send me a message a click "odgovori" and then send. And the message is writed in "Za slanje" ,not in "Poslato".