Serbian - English ;-)

Serbian - English ;-)

  • Pridružio: 20 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 2091
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad

Where are you, sick = Dje si, bolan
Boys from the end =Momci iz kraja
Dark of the job =Taman posla
Meat Community =Mesna Zajednica
Waist union =Strukovni savez
They put him Foxes =Stavili su mu lisice
Bean Yourself =Opasulji se
Cabbaged book =Raskupusana knjiga
I axed myself very much =Mnogo sam se sekirao
I am working with a full dime = Radim punom parom
Big knife tomorrow =Kama Sutra
I am talking alone with the room =Pricam sam sa sobom
Calculate on me =Racunaj na mene
Worked Melissa =Radio Mileva
I them not, I them not =Janjine, janjine
Waiting All Right for Bread = Cekanje u redu za hleb
Edge and Police Van =Ivica i Marica
Who Washes, Him Two =Ko umije njemu dvije
Don't lay devil =Ne lezi vraze
Hey Wire Wire Wire, My Raincoat is Shaking = Hej, zica, zica, zica, drma mi se kabanica
Come to me go to me =idi mi, dodi mi
Fag Bag =Pederusa
What has? =sta ima?
To whom feet wrappers, to whom Serbian peasant shoes = kom obojci, kom opanci
More how much tomorrow = jos koliko sutra
Of dear will =drage volje
Who plums you =ko te sljivi
Who cuts your hair =Ko te sisa
Why yes no =Zasto da ne
complicated organisation of united work = SOUR
Selfruling structures =Samoupravne strukture
why don't you carry yourself = more, nosi se
what a damage = kakva steta
I'll decorate you for Willow day = udesicu te za Vrbicu
subquestion = potpitanje
lubricated behaviour = ljigavo ponasanje
he has a loop = ima petlju
since remember century = od pamtiveka
he was eating himself alive from nausea = ziv se pojeo od muke
without behind intention = bez zadnje namere
he beat him on dead name = prebio ga na mrtvo ime
for whose grandma health = za cije babe zdravlje
who is your devil = koji ti je davo
to overpiss onfiltered= popismaniti se
the yellows are yellowing, the reds are travelling =zuti zutuju, crveni putuju
middle sad = srednje zalosno
erase yourself = obrisi se
liquid questions = tekuca pitanja
it was George Taylor = sio mi ga Dura
yes, little duck = dapace
to take healthy for over = uzeti zdravo za gotovo
from (since) the little legs = od malih nogu
Would you translate me on the other page in face =da li biste me preveli na drugu stranu ulice
Two bad - Milosh dead = dva losa ubise Milosa
A little bit tomorrow = malo sutra
Small before = Malopre
Watch out so it shouldn't be = paz' da ne bi
oh not mine = ma nemoj
sea, brother = more bre
sea can't = more ne moze
go escape = idi begaj
which one is it to you, brother, since this morning = koji ti je, bre, odjutros
god you pie = bog te pita
to lead the bill = voditi racuna
eat the job = izes pos'o
only killer = samoubica
How where = Kako gde
How when = Kako kad
How yes no = Kako da ne
Sea march = More mars!
More mars! = Vise Marsova! Wink
I am on five (on five alone) = Napet sam
I am all on five = Sav sam napet
He knows knowledge = Zna znanje
Drowning socialism = Utopisticki socijalizam
Thank you for the question = Hvala na pitanju
Let's play tickets = Hajde da igramo karte
Do you like revolving plays = Volite li okretne igre
Handleading comrades = Rukovodeci drugovi
Collective handleadership = Kolektivno rukovodstvo
Handleading composition = Rukovodeci sastav
Handleading structures = Rukovodece strukture
Building with following objects = Zgrada sa pratecim objektima
Framed understanding = Okvirni dogovor
He is a big animal = On je velika zverka
Two eggs on eye = Dva jaja na oko
If I only had little more weather = Kad bih imao samo malo vise vremena
I divide your opinion = Delim vase misljenje
She is in second stage = Ona je u drugom stanju
On the face of the place = Na licu mesta
Peoples and peoplesnalities = Narodi i narodnosti
He is bright full stop = On je svetla tacka
From me then on to the stick = S mene pa na ustap
He translated him thirsty across the water = Preveo ga zednog preko vode
On Hook's summer = Na Kukovo leto
He looped himself with her = Spetljao se s njom
He always loops something = Uvek nesto petlja
He loops himself there where he has no place = Petlja se tamo gde mu nije mesto
I wish to elephant myself on you = zelim da se naslonim na tebe
He was put on wall paper = Stavili ga na tapet
He lives on high leg = zivi na visokoj nozi
Second straightened out treason = Drugo ispravljeno izdanje
He salts his brain = Soli mu pamet
Since remember-century = Od pamtiveka
He blacksmiths her in stars = On je kuje u zvezde
Language in souce = Jezik u sosu
What is falling on your brain = Sta ti pada na pamet
We were shooting from laughter = Pucali smo od smeha
He works him like an ox in cabbage = Radi ga ko vola u kupusu
Let him carry himself = Nek se nosi
Don't work me = Nemoj da me radis
You are working me = Ti me radis
Who sandpapers his ears = Ko mu smirgla usi
Don't blunt it = Nemoj da ga tupis
He is big blunter = On je veliki tupadzija
Spitted father = Pljunuti otac
For every picture and occasion = Za svaku sliku i priliku
Earth Court = Zemaljski sud
Subroof = Potkrovlje
He attacked him on dogs' mouth = Napao ga na pasja usta
She turned his brain around = Zavrtela mu je mozak
Brakeworry = Razbibriga
Far him beautiful house = Daleko mu lepa kuca
He cought fog = Uhvatio je maglu
He is not worth a pissing bean = Ne vredi ni pisljiva boba
Neither a relative nor help me God = Ni rod ni pomozi bog
Beat your worry on the joy = Udri brigu na veselje
He doesn't have hair on his language = Nema dlake na jeziku
He wanders like a deaf bitch = Luta kao gluva kucka
He does not know two crossed = Ne zna dve unakrst
Pushing like a blizzard = Gura kao mecava
To whom you this = Kome ti to
Give up the blind business = Mani se corava posla
She gave him basket = Dala mu je korpu
He is the ninth hole on the flute = On je deveta rupa na svirali
Erase yourself = Obrisi se
Bake it then say it = Ispeci pa reci
He laughs into his moustache = Smeje mu se u brk
He is drunk as a mother = Pijan je ko majka
He performs wild worms = Izvodi besne gliste
To return pleasure for dear = Vratiti milo za drago
Plaughed citizen = Uzoran gradanin
Plaughed husband = Uzoran muz
He is big stamp = On je velika marka
Apples in nightgown = Jabuke u slafroku
Stuffed calf handkerchief = Sarma u telecoj maramici
Out of clean peace = Iz cista mira
I would like to overtie myself to the comrade's discusion = = Hteo bih da se nadovezem na diskusiju moga druga
Let's eat something from the legs = Da pojedemo nesto s nogu
Photo-whodrinks = Foto-kopije
Just-steel = Bas-celik
The In-fall of Little Mice = Upala misica
Hello for ready = Zdravo za gotovo
Blind Hose = Slepo crevo
Whochicken = Kopile
On-elephant = Naslon
It doesn't dog = Ne pasuje
I old about him = Ja se staram o njemu
Red on railways = Crveno na pruge
Are railway = Supruga
Treasure to you = Blago tebi
Fade, see, joke = Veni, vidi, vic(i)
I have to fish the floor = Moram da ribam patos
Holy shit = Sveta Stolica
Lamb handkerchief = Jagnjeca maramica
He took a paining = Uzeo je bolovanje
Look at him receiving himself = Vidi ga kako se prima
Everything that is lost can be thrown up = Sve sto je izgubljeno moze se povratiti
Lightbulb throat = Sijalicno grlo
Priest singer = Pop-pevac
On those mothers = Natenane
The river blued the ground = Reka je poplavila zemlju
Everything is up and up = Sve je gore i gore
Eyes colors long = Oci boje duge
Roof on hair chair = Krov na kosu stolicu
Directed cheeking = Usmereno obrazovanje
It is very with-even = Vrlo je sparno
Where did my pencil grandfather itself = Gde mi se dede olovka
Above late = Natkasna
Court slow = Sudski spor
To withgovern = Savladati
He fly fishes = On muva ribe
I've been assing in the screen all day = Citav dan buljim u ekran
I have onshouted on everything = Na sve sam navikao


He doesn't screw him for a dried prune = Ne jebe ga ni za suvu sljivu
For which mine = Za koji moj
Pricksharper = Siljokuran
It hurts me = Boli me
To be of pricky fortune = Biti kurate srece
I'll screw your grandma's grandma = Jebacu ti nanu naninu
To cradle Mark = Ljuljati Marka
To piss against the wind = Pisati uz vetar
Shitting through a dense bush = Sranje kroz gusto granje
He screwed a hedgehog = Jebo je jeza
Go into mother's = Idi u majcinu
Go into three beautiful = Idi u tri lepe
I'll screw your sun = Jebacu ti sunce
Let the dog catcher screw you = Jebo te sinter
To jingle someone's balls = Titrati nekome jaja
To overcunt = Popizdeti
Go into the beautiful = Idi u krasni
Windfucker = Jebivetar
Till the mine = Do mojega
In is = U, je!
onfiltered= Najebati
Forfuck = Zajebati
Withfuck = Sjebati
Offuck = Odjebati
Underfuck = Podjebavati


Forescratch = Zagreb
Wart = Pristina
Sarah Is An Ox = Sarajevo
Wolfcook = Vukovar
Runaway Hair = Bezanijska Kosa
Oh Yes Gypsy Fox = Ada Ciganlija
Little Wet Grove = Mali Mokri Lug
To-Grandfather-her = Dedinje
Little Bad City = Mali Losinj
New Now (New USA) = Novi Sad
New Market = Novi Pazar
New Winevalley = Novi Vinodol
Cockadoodledoo Hill = Petlovo Brdo
Julia's Heights = Julino Brdo
Grass City = Travnik
Lower River City = Donja Rekavica
White Brook = Beli Potok
Black Grass = Crna Trava
Naked Island = Goli Otok
Castration City = Skoplje
Withspear City = Skoplje
Saturday City = Subotica
Port Resort = Banja Luka
Spa Harbor = Banja Luka
Notmind City = Neum
Slantox = Kosovo
No Cat = Nemacka
And That Fox = Italija
Mt. Nick-Was-Digging = Kopaonik
Mt. Noise-Oils = Bukulja
Mt. I-Chorus-and-on = Jahorina
Mt. Damned-and-is = Prokletije
Mt. He-was-Like-an-Ox = Biokovo
Mt. Flat = Ravna Gora


No Yes Stolen = Neda Ukraden
Yes To Little Cannon = Dado Topic
Hope Big Cannon = Nada Topcagic
Government and Fairy-tale= Vlada i Bajka
Little Rose Little Juice = Ruzica Sokic
Edge Except = Ivica Osim
Happy Account = Radoje Kontic
Freeman Gentlefuck = Slobodan Milosevic
But I And Brother-In-Law Escape = Alija Izetbegovic
Dick Droolfucker = Doka Balasevic
Wishwho Ribswhat = Zeljko Rebraca
Goverments Giant = Vlade Divac
Sparkwho Dogburn = Zarko Paspalj
Stinghorn = Bodiroga
Overdear Dayandhunt = Predrag Danilovic


Peacedefender = Branimir
Peaceraiser = Budimir
Sadpeacer = Tugomir
Lovelydear = Miodrag
Standish = Stojan
Coaler = Ugljesa
Peace I on = Mirjana
Peacewho = Mirko
Kissopeace = Ljubomir
Andout = Ivan
Earlywho = Ranko
Mroftalp Noitcurtsnoc = Aleksandar (*)
Gentleis = Miloje
Mildis = Blagoje
Apartmentwho (Flatwho) = Stanko
Colorado = Bojan
Apartmentandpeace = Stanimir
Warandpeace = Ratimir
Dearkiss = Dragoljub
Who-what-on = Kostana
(*) od Construction Platform = Radna skela

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • SkY  Male
  • Boondock Saint
  • Pridružio: 24 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 1060
  • Gde živiš: Vozdovac (MyCity South Side)

Ovoliko se nisam skoro nasmejao Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

  • Pridružio: 18 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 1819
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Hehehe, i ja... Smile Smile

Ovo je najsire "izdanje" ovog recnika koje sam ja videla...

  • mire  Male
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 18 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 2282
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

fali mu mire, peace

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