To get started making your printable business cards:
Pick your style by browsing the styles to the left under the create business cards link to see thumbnails of all the styles.
Choose the "full bleed" (image prints to the edge of card, 8 cards per page) or "no bleed" (white between cards, 10 cards per page) version of the style you have selected. Click here for examples of business card papers that work with our Business Card Maker.
Enter your information, only checking the boxes of items you wish to include.
Choose two colors and one background color.
Make your PDF by choosing single or multiple card per page, cutting guides or not, and selecting "Make PDF"
ovo moze da bude stvarno korisno
kartice su zxa tren gotove, i spremne za printanje
Evo moje, nabrzinu uradzene
Dopuna: 26 Jan 2007 21:26
Jos niko nije izradio vizitku ???