Poslao: 15 Dec 2011 22:58
- Aleks Maletic
- Ugledni građanin
- Pridružio: 19 Jul 2010
- Poruke: 367
- Gde živiš: Golubinci
Da li je neko upoznat sa doticnim proizvodom? Japanci su tvorci, koristi multi engine za skeniranje...
Citat: Wouldn’t a second opinion be great when it comes to checking your PC for malware? How about a second, third, fourth and fifth opinion, then? And all in one go!
As our online activity increases, so does the threat of an attack from a malicious program or virus. Long gone are the days, when single hackers were out to make a name for themselves. Today, organized cybercriminals are systematically out to steal your money with an ever growing number of malware attacks and schemes.
We believe that only a diverse and multi-layered security concept can combat the bad guys and keep your PC safe. Beyond Coranti’s simple and friendly user interface lies an unrivalled security product that is powered by not one, but four world-class anti-malware scanning engines, each independently developed over many years by the following security software specialists:
* BitDefender
* F-Prot
* Lavasoft Anti-Spyware
Coranti Multi-Engine AntiVirus & AntiSpyware is the only security product in the world to offer such high levels of protection from virus and spyware attacks, and features both real-time and on-demand protection.
Now you can have peace of mind that your online activities are safe with four engines running simultaneously to provide simply the best possible threat detection. And thanks to the innovative way that the four engines work together in perfect sync, you can have four times the detection power without four times the impact on your PC’s performance.
Although Coranti will co-exist with the majority of other security software products on the market, we recommend to uninstall other anti-malware products before installing Coranti to keep your PC running fast. Coranti Multi-Engine AntiVirus & AntiSpyware is the world’s only security software product to offer the ‘ultimate protection’ for your PC thanks to its innovative use of four different Anti-Malware scan engines. The software is designed to run on 32-bit and 64-bit windows operating systems as well as server platforms.
Offering the most comprehensive protection and best possible detection and disinfection rates with minimum impact or degradation of your PC’s performance, Coranti ensures total peace of mind and is always ready to counter any virus and spyware threats. Coranti has four scan engines working in parallel and therefore, offers four times the protection. The unique element of Coranti is the degree of system compatibility and overall reliability over the more traditional single core scan engine security software solutions.
Coranti contains two main modules
* Anti-virus – detects and removes all viruses from your computer
* Anti-spyware – provides comprehensive defense from spyware intrusion.
Coranti uses best-of-breed heuristic analysis and comprehensive Artificial Intelligence methods to enhance the finding of infected files, while minimizing performance degradation.
Key benefits and features
* 4 world-class anti-virus and anti-spyware engines operating concurrently
* Real-time, on-demand, and scheduled scanning for viruses and spyware, regardless of their source
* Zero-day attack prevention using comprehensive mix of methodologies and technologies such as sandboxing, emulation, and heuristics from 4 independent anti-malware engines
* Simple user-friendly interface
* Wide variety of options and settings to customize Coranti’s performance for better protection against viruses and spyware
* Email Scanner scans all incoming and outgoing mail for viruses. It is automatically loaded in background mode when you receive or send emails using Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, or The Bat
* Advanced and highly flexible scheduler to manage scheduled security scans
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 15 Dec 2011 23:01
- Stewdza
- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 19 Dec 2010
- Poruke: 1106
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Upoznat. Kada ga pokrenes prvi put, on onda krece da skida engine 1 po 1, redom. A nakon toga ide update baza. Program usporava moj racunar i ima jako los UI. Probajte.
Poslao: 15 Dec 2011 23:32
- NIx Car
- Legendarni građanin
- Més que un club
- Glavni vokal @ Harpun
- Pridružio: 27 Feb 2009
- Poruke: 3898
- Gde živiš: Novi Sad,Klisa
S.Stojkovic ::Upoznat. Kada ga pokrenes prvi put, on onda krece da skida engine 1 po 1, redom. A nakon toga ide update baza. Program usporava moj racunar i ima jako los UI. Probajte.
posle ovakvih reci hvale mislim da bih ga zaobisao u najsirem mogucem luku
Poslao: 02 Jan 2013 22:41
- torivoje
- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 12 Feb 2012
- Poruke: 1066
Napisano: 24 Okt 2012 22:58
Instalirah ga juče (trial-verzija) ,jer imam još kojih mesec dana fore igranja sa koječime (toliko mi traje licenca za DefenseWall).Ne očekujte test detekcije od mene,već nešto snimaka interfejsa (etc.) i par ličnih,krajnje subjektivnih (i politički totalno nekorektnih) zapažanja (tokom kojih ću ponoviti i ono što prethodnici pomenuše da bih koliko-toliko zaokružio priču).Elem...
- "Japanac" (barem onoliko koliko je i GData "Švaba")
- 4-endžinski (što je marketinški trik,jer je nakon izbacivanja Normana postao 3 + 1)
- obuhvata i Lava Soft-ov Anti-Spyware modul (to je taj "četvrti" endžin)
- na matičnom sajtu se pominje i saradnja sa drugim AV/AS programima (čak i Kasperskim !!! ) ,ali mi to već zvuči kao reklama za proizvod namenjen ljudima obolelim od manije gonjenja...
- instalacija je hitra,ali čudna - AV startuje isključen i ostajete "razgaćeni" sve do povelikog apdejta + restarta...
- nakon "namirivanja" sva 3 drugara (šta li će im F-Prot ?) , čovek očekuje gromadu na hardu,ali Coranti ispade sasvim prosečne veličine u odnosu na GDatu/F-Secure...
- upravljački interfejs deluje odbojno i pomalo neozbiljno...
- na prvi pogled se vidi da se endžini mogu uključivati/isključivati po želji (kako pri skenu,tako i pri monitoringu) ,a "odluka korisnika" pri detektovanju je još jedna dobra osobina
- loše je to da ,po detekciji,Koranti ne daje i obaveštenje koji od 3 prisutna endžina je otkrio pretnju (što povećava mogućnost fp-a)
- skeniranje se vrši predefinisanim profilima,uz mogućnost podešavanja istih...
- ostadoše još anti-spajver monitor i i-mejl skener...
- program se ponaša pomalo iznenađujuće :
a) pri podizanju sistema,Koranti bi se poslednji učitavao (dobrih desetak sekundi nakon svega ostalog),a Windows prijavljivao da je AV isključen
b) manje usporava surfovanje od Avire/GDate,ali ubija AdBlock (Chrome) ekstenziju
c) download je normalan, bez ikakvog usporavanja
d) sistem ( sva 4 modula aktivirana ! ) otvara nove programe sa sekund-dva zakašnjenja,ali se ne oseća umrtvljenost kao kod GDate
e) skeniranje iz kontekstualnog menija je (bukvalno !) munjevito
f) potpuno skeniranje sistema (obaška za AV,obaška za anti-spyware modul) je trajalo razumnih četrdesetak,odnosno petnaestak minuta za terabajt najraznorodnijeg sadržaja
g Koranti ( ipak ) nije za slabije mašine,jer u idle-stanju vuče prilično resursa ( kod mene : WinXP sp3 + DefenseWall fw + HIPS ) ; najmirniji je bivao odmah nakon podizanja sistema (tada bi pikovi išli "jedva" do 14%,a memorija bivala zauzeta do šestotinak Mb) .
Virus Bulletin ga je "uslikao" na svom uporednom grafikonu koga možete naći ovde
Dopuna: 02 Jan 2013 22:41
Ko bi se tome nadao,ali ispade da je moj prethodni kratak osvrt na Korantija i forumsko zbogom dotičnome,pošto se proizvod gasi...