CORE FORCE is the first community oriented security solution for personal computers. CORE FORCE is free and provides a comprehensive endpoint security solution for Windows 2000 and Windows XP systems.
CORE FORCE provides inbound and outbound stateful packet filtering for TCP/IP protocols using a Windows port of OpenBSD's PF firewall, granular file system and registry access control and programs' integrity validation. These capabilities can be configured and enforced system-wide or on a per-application basis for specific programs such as email readers, Web browsers, media players, messaging software, etc.
Juce sam skinuo najnoviju verziju, u poslednje vreme se zamlacujem sa nekim manje poznatim firewall-ima (PktFilter,FirewallPAPI, DeleGate...) pa sam naleteo na ovo. Ima dosta opcija i malo mi se cini prenatrpan..neznam...
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