Mega Antivirus test

Mega Antivirus test

  • Pridružio: 22 Avg 2003
  • Poruke: 787
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Da, bas tako se zove Very Happy

Ono sto je cudno u delu testa skenera, je da je npr. KAV 4.5 nasao nesto vise od KAV5 - sto je nemoguce jer je u pitanju potpuno isti engine Smile

Da je u pitanju test "realtime" zastite pa jos covek da kaze da je nesto drugo dodatno uticalo na rezultat - ovako, nemam objasnjenje Smile

Inace, "subjektivan" zakljucak coveka koji je testirao je:

Although none of the Antivirus was perfect, some did stand out from the pack for their scanning ability, performance and ease of use:

* AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic 6 found the most viruses; Virus Buster Pro 2005 found the least

* Norton 2005 is ironic - much like viruses, it brings down to its knees even the fastest computers! A true resource hog!

* AVG Pro is overrated, in my opinion - so many people talk to me about this antivirus but it never really performed well for me, as the test shows

* Kaspersky 5 revealed that when it comes to Trojans, exotic and rare viruses, Kaspersky is the leader of the pack. It found some that none of the others did

* PC-cillin 2005 found more than almost any other desktop antivirus programs; it performs very well but could be a little faster when scanning. It's been performing great ever since I started doing these tests over 3 years ago

Kaspersky is, in my opinion, the best antivirus of them all. It's been doing great in my tests for years, it isn't a resource hog like Norton and it has a knack for finding things no other one does. This is the one that's running on my computers.

PC-cillin has also been doing great in my tests for years. Although I find Kaspersky slightly better in terms of scanning, PC-cillin has one of the best suites available on the market - for $50, you get the antivirus, spyware scanner, firewall, antispam etc.

Eset Nod32 scanned the virus folder in 33 seconds, by far the fastest desktop AV!

Over 23 minutes for Grisoft AVG, now talk about slow!

A za free online skenere kaze:

And the winner with 10312 infected objects found:
The amazing thing is that Kaspersky Online Scan is my new champion - it found more than any other, including any of the desktop antivirus programs! This is just weird - I ran it on two of my computers and I got the same results. Weird! However, the bad thing is that it only scans; it doesn't allow you to remove the viruses it found.

Opet je cudno da je online nasao vise od KAV 4.5 i KAV5 - a i dalje govorimo o istom engine-u Smile

Sve u svemu, izgleda da kod testiranja skenera treba raditi sken vise puta i onda uzeti neku srednju vrednost kao rezultat Smile

detaljno na:

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 10 Mar 2005
  • Poruke: 222

E, ko sve danas ne radi testove. Lik je bez blama napisao:

The exact virus count in the file is unknown but there are over 10,000

Pola testova je uradio pre XX meseci, neke juce... Ovo mi lici na uporedjivanje performansi Fice, Trabanta, Golfa 2 i Mercedesa A klase... Bebee Dol

  • Pridružio: 22 Avg 2003
  • Poruke: 787
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

AVG Distributer ::
Pola testova je uradio pre XX meseci, neke juce...

Mislim da je test iz septembra 2005-e...negde sam video, sada ne mogu da nadjem gde - mozda i gresim Smile

  • Pridružio: 10 Mar 2005
  • Poruke: 222

Tada ga je updateovao sa novim testovima nekoliko verzija.

Izgleda da je samo lepio rezultate na vec postojece, posto ne znam gde je nasao verziju AVG-a od pre dve godine... Sad

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