- Pridružio: 26 Okt 2004
- Poruke: 66
Anti Spywares suspicious or nonreliable (09/14/05)
The "parasites", are commercial applications that settle in our computer, without our consent, and being solicitd. Within this type of code, we can catalogue to the Spyware (software which it collects of our habits of navigation, for example), and to the Adware (it adds publicity to the programs, generally as mode of payment by the use of software).
At the moment, numerous products exist that are in charge to clean the systems affected by these parasites. Nevertheless, all of them do not fulfill what they promise, or what is worse, many add spy programs as well or make modifications in the system that assumes would have to clean. And of course, without at least warning the user.
Many of these products, that are gratuitous, appeal to condemnable tactics, being sold to inescrupulous patrocinantes with the hope to survive (the minuses), or to obtain.
And we did not talk about the classic one to banner advertising that it appears in some products of gratuitous use, but to true spies who once installed collect all possible of the user, including sometimes their electronic directions, those that soon are used to send mail to him nonasked for.
On the other hand, to know the habits navigation, can serve to force the user to of course visit specific sites that appear mysteriously like beginning pages, or when making a search manipulated without the knowledge and without the consent of the victim.
Also those programs exist, that although do not add malicious software, can detect adwares and spywares that others have not detected, but that single they can be eliminated when we paid by the product. The suspect is that they detect things that other products no, or things that are directly not considered adwares or spywares, leaving the doubt if he is not inventions like part of an inescrupulous marketing of sale.
The following one is an updated list of these programs (at least of the verified known ones and), none of which would have to install or to execute in their computer, if it does not wish to run the risk of, either to become infected with the same sweepings that ironically many of them say to clear, or to be deceived by products who lie at the time of detecting malwares (deliberately or not), so that the user ends up buying them.
Suspicious or nonreliable products Anti Spywares:
Last update 14/set/05 - 219 entrances:
NOTE VSA on "No-Spy/Sin-Espi'as" ( According to the site Spyware Warrior informs (, this antispyware was including in this list because the gratuitous version caused a false positive. From April of 2005, date of the launching of a new version and new definitions, this problem was solved. How in single VSAntivirus we published the listing, and we did not add the commentaries including in the original page, we solved to clear this program of the list of Anti Spywares suspicious or nonreliable, after to have testeado during June and July of 2005 the gratuitous Sin-Espi'as version (No-Spy) in our own laboratory, and to have verified that indeed does not exist any reason to include it here.
Sites of Anti Spywares suspicious or nonreliable:
In the last years, as the problems with spyware and adware have begun to become more well-known, have arisen several Web sites to provide information and to even recommend certain programs anti spyware. But most of these sites they are not reliable as guides to defend to us of spyware.
Specially bad they are those that they try to make revisions of programs anti spyware, alleging to make an analysis "objective", when in fact they push the user to use many of the suspicious or nonreliable products anti spywares that are listed above. In fact, many of these webs are affiliated with the products that they say to examine and soon they recommend. Most of these sites even announces of quite aggressive form in Google, as same you can see whenever she makes a search by some related subject.
Last update 4/set/05 - 72 entrances:
* Note: SPYWAREBLASTER COM is a site that is maliciously used the name of the legitimate utility "SpywareBlaster" of Javacool, but does not have no relation with this program. The true SpywareBlaster utility recommended by VSAntivirus can be found in the following connection: "SpywareBlaster, prevents the installation with parasites",
Advised programs:
GIANT AntiSpyware (now Microsoft AntiSpyware Beta)
Microsoft AntiSpyware Beta
Pest Patrol
Spybot Search & Destroy
Webroot Spy Sweeper
To also see "Parasitic in our computer",
Advised complement:
SpywareBlaster, prevents the installation with parasites
Note: This list is maintained by Eric L. Howes, student and now professor in the GSLIS (Graduate School of Library and Information Science) of the University of Illinois, the U.S.A..
During the last years, Howes has maintained a personal site in this University (Spyware Warrior), where it offers to all the users of Internet, the resources and the information necessary to defend the privacy and the security when sailing by the network. This is nonsingle court favorite to him the recognition of its work, but that its site has become an unquestionable datum point